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Reviewed Thank you Player Report - engie is a fucking dick

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by Khan, Nov 23, 2014.

  1. Khan


    Player Name:
    engie is a fucking dick
    5:30pm Eastern
    TF2 Turbine
    Detailed Explanation with Screenshots/Demos::
    Player joined server and played Sniper. There were a few very good snipers on at the time, but I could tell that his shots weren't from skill alone. I quickly used the console to find his Steam ID and ran it for priors before spectating to record a demo. Before I finished checking his history, he changed his name to impersonate another person on the server and left. He was only on the server for two and a half minutes.

    That means I don't have sufficient evidence to prove he was hacking, but I do have my suspicions. I completely understand if we decide not to ban him based on my account alone. I would advise others to try to watch out for him in the future.​
  2. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Correct, we do require sufficient evidence to support the report. Without it there is nothing I can do, unless he would have a lot of previous bans as you already know this Khan. If you can try to keep an eye on him and get the required proof. Thanks!

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