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Community Growth & Funding

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Woody, Jun 27, 2015.

  1. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Users who signed up for dedicated supporter
    - @CaptinCCat
    - @Drago
    - @Col. Sheppard
    - @SillyBillyWTF
    - @Gavlan
    - @SexiMexi

    We are thrilled to see our community beginning to grow in new and exciting directions, as we have recently branched off from our main staple of (CS:S, CS:GO, TF2) servers and launched new servers for Killing Floor 2 and ARK: Survival Evolved. Expanding into the latest and greatest games that are being released is something we deeply desire so that we can always be ahead of the curve. We would also like to continue giving away gaming gear as monthly prizes on our forums while continuing to give away an unusual hat each month for our active Team Fortress 2 players. All of this made possible by you and our other donors.

    Sadly, in the last few months we haven't been making our month goal, which puts a great stress on the community. As you all know, we have chosen not to run ads of any kind on our servers or forums and instead rely solely on donations from the community in order to cover our monthly costs. We have also moved away from monthly donating admins in turn for one-time donating and apprentice admins.

    Due to the recent shortage of donations, we had to shut down our CS:GO servers and TF2 TrainSawLaser server. We currently don't ask anyone to donate and hope out of the greatness of everyone's hearts we make our donation goal each month. However, our current donation system is flawed. While some months we make our goals, other months we do not. Therein lies the issue, we are currently guaranteed only $35 dollars a month. With $20 coming from @Whizzard and @Pin for their current $10 donation subscriptions and the other $15 coming from TF2 VIP subscriptions.

    For our community to continue to move forward we need to find a stable source of income, this way we know we are guaranteed X amount of donations each month. This would allow us to store less in reserve for low donation months and instead use that for more giveaways and future servers.

    To solve this issue we have created a subscription-based donation option. We are asking anyone who can to subscribe to our $10 supporter tier. We currently have 35,000 unique players that visit our servers each month, if 30 of those players were to subscribe to $10 a month we would be set. Currently we've set up two subscription tiers ($10 and $20), however if you'd like to subscribe to a lower or higher amount please contact me directly and we can get it set up. Any little bit helps! Please use this link here to become a dedicated supporter, or click on dedicated supporter in the donation tab above.

    Subscription Tiers:
    Dedicated Supporter: $10 per month (TF2 VIP + CSS VIP + Supporter Tag + More))
    Diamond Supporter: $20 per month (TF2 VIP + CSS VIP + Supporter Tag + More)

    We haven't work out a full list of the benefits for each tier yet, but any future benefits from now on will be added to one of these categories to give you the most possible "bang for your buck". I'll be working as quickly as I can to add as many benefits and will be updating this post accordingly.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2016
    • Like Like x 5
    • Agree Agree x 4
    • Ding! Ding! x 2
  2. Wup

    Wup running through the 6 with my woes.

    This is amazing, I'm glad to be here now and actively on the forums. It's all about growing, every place wants to be the best. What is stopping VG from being there?
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    We don't intend nor do we recognize ourselves as the best. We're just a normal (i'd like to say) mature community that just so happens to revolve around gaming.
    We only aim and strive to provide the proper experience on the servers as well as on the forums.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Did not remember/know about the monthly subscription option! If I do sign up today will it charge me for this month?
  5. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Yes it would.
  6. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Can someone bump this thread/tag me next month and I'll sign up for it, that'd be great!
    • Like Like x 1
  7. Dirty Dan

    Dirty Dan

    this makes me sad :(
  8. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    @Gavlan I'll do the same next month, so I'll remind you!
  9. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Cool thanks!
  10. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Sadly, not one single person has signed up to donate monthly.
  11. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I really wish I could subscribe and support the community as I did once before when I first joined. With real life scenarios going on at the moment I can't afford to even lay out a lousy 5 dollars. When things get better in a few months I'll most likely jump in and try to help out again. Sorry guys!
  12. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Thank you @Gavlan for signing up as a Diamond Supporter!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    :angelic:that is all
  14. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Thanks Gavlan you sexy thing... Better? :playful::kiss:
  15. Toad


    I'd sign up if I weren't y'know
  16. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Now we're talking!
  17. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Thanks GingaNinja51!
  19. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    • Like Like x 2
  20. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    How do we access these features?

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