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Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by Kabooshka! (BANNED), Jun 7, 2016.

    So I have been playing on Lazytown for quite a long time now, and I must admit the map is small and broken. It is generally lacking variety, whether this has to do with routes or layout, and it is extremely "stalematey". Recently I have been learning how to use the Hammer Editor and I have come to the decision that I will take it upon myself to re-create Lazytown with new routes, props, textures etc. This remake will not be a small one and will most likely be finished in mid to late August. Now I know that there have been quite a few people attempting to remake Lazytown already, but these people generally either gave up or had peculiar ideas (Such as making Lazytown indoors). I am planning to remake the map without anything extra or not needed nut just to improve upon what already exists and hopefully the project will be completed but I need the help of Vigilante Gamers to do this.

    So how can VG help? In order to complete the map and to make it great and enjoyable it needs to be play tested after every major update to it. I am hoping that VG could offer one of its less populated servers just for a couple of hours so the play testing can be completed. The server should have a temporary password through the duration of the test. The reasoning behind that is I want Lazytown regulars who play the map often to join an test as they know the map like 5 fingers on their hand and could give constructive criticism and informative feedback of the map. The time of the test will be decided in somewhat in advance.
    What I plan to change/add for the map?
    • New routes (A sewer going under the map which will server as a flank route - guaranteed to please Shark Pyros)
    • Stealth (Throughout the map there will be thick shrubs which will server as hiding spots - these areas will also be "equipped" with Block LOS which will ensure that NPCs [This includes sentries] will not notice players/sneaky teleporters hiding there)
    • New Textures (The map will almost completely be re-textured with RED being an abandoned farming complex overrun with plants and moss, and BLU will be an industrialized complex with fluorescent lights, construction props scattered etc.)
    • Forward Spawn (To make the map less "stalematey" a forward spawn will activate for the team that captures mid point. Reasoning is that if an engineer's teleport gets destroyed it may change the tide of the game and generally its a pain to walk all the way to the other side of the map when capturing last point.)
    • Medkits/Ammo will be re-arranged/added/removed
    • Skybox will be raised (Skybox in some parts of the map is extremely low, and makes it difficult to rocket jump so it will be raised slightly but not too noticeably)
    For now this is it, as I said above this thread will be continuously updated as progress moves along.
    Please post any questions and opinions that you have.
    Thank you in advance everyone! :)
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Awesome. If everyone enjoys the map we can definitely put it as the default map.
  3. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Sure if you're going to add more features we could give it a try. Maybe take some screenshots and show us it first?
  4. Yes, right now I am still working on the first alpha, once that is completed (probably mid next week) I will upload screenshots.
  5. Rogue

    Rogue Fmr. Lazytown Manager Senior Member

    As a lazytown veteran I have a few things to ask:

    • Keep the basic Lazytown in mind. A lot of current players (myself included) enjoy the stalematey 5-hour-long rounds. It can't be called Lazytown if it moves too fast :D
    • Forward spawn may be too crutch-y. I say this because engineers are a key part of the map. A team without a half decent engie will probably lose. Teleporters getting destroyed and changing the tide of the game is sort of the point.
    • In regard to retextures, make sure someone could still recognize it as the simple, terribly made yet beautiful map it is.
    Not entirely sure what I think of the passworded server during tests. Anyone should be able to try to get on say "wtf no i dont like it" or "hey, that's pretty good!" Not everyone (including a lot of Lazytown regulars) don't use the forums at all, so they should be able to test and provide feedback as well.

    I look forward to the first version!
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. I agree with most of your points. I am trying to keep the general Lazytown formula but at the same time I am trying to create a somewhat new map. Forward spawns are something I have been getting mixed feedback about, by adding bushes/shrubs teleporters will stay important as these spots are made pretty much for them. Engineers will not become obsolete. The middle spawn will not be a major game changer, it will make rounds more unique as both teams will have to use different approaches and strategies to fight for mid point. I cannot guarantee to keep the textures similar as I want to make the map look much more complex and different. The map will stay beautiful but in a different way - especially RED which will look like a jungle. As the passwords go I want people who have experience with the map to play as they (as I said before) know every little detail and could compare the original map to the remake.

    But I must note that the map may be drastically different than it is now - but don't worry as the same structure and gameplay will stay there. Think of this map as not exactly a remake but a sequel to Lazytown.

    EDIT: Also I think the stalemates will stay as there still will be little protection from snipers on second to last and last control points and since the spawn is right near them teams will have a hard time capturing the last point. I will not change the capture time of the last control point like on actual CP maps.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. END

    END Senior Member



    A few notes.
    -Because lazytown has fast respawn built in a forward respawn would kill the only penalty for dying, walking to the front. Increasing the stalemate. Walking is this map's respawn timer.
    -no need to remove packs, just add.
    -and as rouge said, don't change too much because if you do it just won't be lazytown anymore.

    Good luck. :)
  8. There have been mixed to negative opinions on making the remake a default map, I (along with a few other people) prefer that once in a while there will be a vote or just a time when the map switches to the other one and vice versa. So everyone who likes the default map has the chance to play it and who wants the remake gets to play it as well.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2016
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. UPDATE (Kinda)

    Unfortunately due to my vacation starting the 23rd of June and ending the 10th of July and a few problems related with the map (errors with some inputs/outputs and a leak) I have to push the map back until early to mid July :(. Once I am back I will continue the map and from that point it should move rather smoothly. On the bright side I have compiled all the resources for the map's detailing process (Custom props/textures) so once I get to beta stage things will move faster than a scout with the baby face blaster. :)

    P.S. I am NOT giving up on the map, not in a million years! So don't worry it will be done (hopefully by end of August)
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2016
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