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Have nominate for all servers?

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by Bronzy, Oct 7, 2012.

  1. Bronzy


    Sorry if this has been already suggested or if the servers already have this, but the MG one doesn't. It gets annoying having to have to keep doing RTV every time you don't like a map. Having a nominate so you can just choose the map you like to play in would be great! :)
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    We could try it out on MG. I had to remove it off ZM because everyone would always nominate the same map. We would end up playing the same map over and over and over.......
  3. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Exactly what he said. ZM got to the point where we could not even try out the new maps that we had added to the server. Hopefully it will work better on MG.
  4. Bronzy


    Do it like this, once you play a map you can't nominate it again for 3 rounds?
  5. Would be a good idea
    There's also this idea of the same person nominating a map right when they join.
    So basically that person would have power over what map we play next >.>
  6. Spaz-A-Tron

    Spaz-A-Tron Dat Big Spaz

    Gordon Freeman, this is an old post. We don't even have the MG server anymore.

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