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Reviewed Thank you CHRISTINA Abusing Admin

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by ToeTagz, May 13, 2013.

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  1. ToeTagz


    I want to report Admin CHRISTINA for abusing admin and acting like a douchebag about it when I inquired why I was slayed and why I wasnt even given a warning. I did not know this was illegal. Today I was slayed for dropping props down a ladder area. I asked why I was slayed and the reply was a snippy " I already warned you yesterday". For 1, I havent played this map for 3+ days. Then I told her the only reason I was slayed was because she was after me and couldnt get me. She has watched people blow up my barricade on numerous occasions and all they got was a warning and that if sum1 blew up her barricade they would have gotten slayed/banned on the spot. When I brought this up. She replied, "Don't make me pull up logs! I should just ban you now!" I told her to please do it. And all I got was silence. Please look into this matter as me and my friends enjoy playing on your server. We are rather new to it and would like to continue to play here. But not if we are to be treated like crap because an admin is having a hissy fit. Like a lil kid that cant get the candy she was asking for... Seriously this is bogus and has rubbed me the wrong way as I havent had any issues with any other admins since I started playing here a month or 2 ago and have throughly enjoyed myself up until now. Plz Help ?
  2. Jay

    Jay Member

    Just a little information on your report. Christina is not an admin.
  3. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Toe Tagz christina is not an ADMIN and I was the ne that slayed you , as I am tired of warning you day after day . You were also in there while I warned the last few people on that map about props in the ladder . Then you wanted to laugh . I am not the only admin that has warned you about the server rules . When you break them so many time we have nothing left but to slay you , with hopes that you may not do it again ! Maybe you should go back and reread the MOTD rules instead of laughing about it next time
  4. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Also I didn't say I should ban you now . I said maybe I should have Woody pull up the logs and then he should ban you for being wrong . Go back and read for your self buddy . If you and your friends or anyone else for that matter can not follow our server rules , then you will be warned , but if it happens day after day then you will be slayed for it . Yes we are allowed to slay , then kick , and then ban for repeat ofenses .
  5. ToeTagz


    Correcting myself. Forgive me for accusing the wrong person as Christina is the only person that spoke up when I asked why I was slayed.
    I still await this log where I was warned about this ladder deal "day after day". I have been warned only 2 other times in my 2 months here.
    Once about not blocking/barricading a crawl space. Which I havent done since.
    And once about not blocking some random spot under the stairs I was able to fly into. Which was not a crawlspace. And .. I havent do so since.
    So again plz provide this proof you speak of. As I am only after fairness. And no I should not be happy that I wasnt kicked/banned instead.
  6. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Yes you should be happy , just like others that are warned time after time . Maybe other admins of ours would like to chim in n warning they have given you over the mic and through chat  as I am not the only one . Like I also told you it is up to Woody to check on the logs if he feels like it as he has more important shit to deal with
  7. ToeTagz


    I like how you are changing your story from day after day to time after time. And ya, Im sure Woody has better things to do. But this is his Server and Forums from what I understand. And his job/want to maintain it. Regardless of whatever excuses you wish to include. You's a lie. You have not warned me day after day, And this matter about me laughing about watever you said is also not true. Please find it in your time to look into this matter Woody. If I am wrong you dont need to ban me, I will happily leave. Just show me this proof. Im too old for this BS. But this admin is wrong for watever reason (having a bad day ?). And I just wish to bring this into the light. Where are these other admins that have warned me about this ladder ? Cause I have not heard this until today.
  8. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    I am not changing my story , and too old then you should be able to follow the rules right , Instead of being one to not and just do as you please . I just the round before I slayed you for the damn ladder shit warned someone else and it was over admin chat and the mic . As a matter of fact they were all laughing at the guy and thats why the people in the server were laughing at you since you should have noticed the round before of the person oing the same thing . I don't need to back peddel  on my words . I have slayed you before for breaking props , props in crouch spots , and other shit . Play the game right and you would not have these issues in our server . If you can't handle it then sorry for ya . We have plenty of players that do follow the rules and have no issues  , then we have people like you then want to cry when they are delt with by our admin team . Don't like the way I admin sorry for you . I have been an admin here for a long time and no one else seems to have a problem . I will not let anyone come into our servers and treat them with disrespect , no matter who it is , and actually I even was getting onto another admin of ours on the map before for doing messed up shit . I treat everyone the same  clan member or not . RULES ARE RULES . You Break Them , Then We do what our protocol is . I should not have to warn you or anyone over and over for the same thing . If you owned or ran a server maybe you would understand .
  9. Jay

    Jay Member

    I have not warned you about the ladder, but i have warned you about breaking props/cades.
  10. ToeTagz


    If you payed any attention. I joined the server, was a zombie for about 1 minute max. Then went up there and did what I did, then got slayed. It was my 1st round as a human. And when I inquired Christina threw a hissy fit. And now u are too. I have no issues with following rules. Theres a difference when you are not aware. Never stated I had an issue with the rule throughout all of this. Lets stick to the facts huh ? I have an issue with being mistreated. Thats why I'm escalating this matter. And you seem to speak alot on your assumptions. Again, I was never warned about this until today. After I was slayed. And Cheers that you know the rules. Again you've been here how long ? And me ? Ya.. Think before you speak plz. I have owned a good number of servers and vents. I come from CAL P, M, and I teams in which I ran or co ran. #Glimpseofreality #H2K #W2H #n2p  Your assumptions is getting the best of you. So I understand my punishment if I am lying. But I know for a fact that I am not. This is why I am asking for the logs. What about you ? A slap on the wrist ? Whatever it is. I just wish to bring it to the light. So it would be nice if you would stop bashing me and making things up. This is why I am asking Woody to look into the matter. He was there when it happened. One last thing. I have never spoke to you before today. Dont get me confused for every other asshole you have ever had to deal with. I'm not them. In the Real World. We call that discrimination. And Im sure Woody doesnt encourage that.
  11. ToeTagz


    Jay, and I have not done so since correct ? And I am guilty of that. It was cuz he shot up my cade to get into my spot with me. So I blew up my own cade essentially. Either way, I guess it was wrong ?


    ToeTagz i saw him he put props in the crounch sopt


    and no i am not the admin
  14. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Toe Tags you got me confused there ole buddy ole pal . I am not upset at all . Seems like you are , and can't take when you are handled by our admin . You were a human when the props were put there and you were there the round before also when I warned the guy . Like I said other admins have also slayed you , and also said and warned you before . If you are an adult , you should be smart enough to read our MOTD and follow our rules . Damn it's said we have 8 yr olds come into our servers and play way better then you as they follow our rules . It all boils down to you don't like to follow rules till you are delt with for it , and then you want to cry because you didn't like the out come .
  15. ToeTagz


    Again. 1 warning about 1 matter and I havent done so since. You can try to reverse the focus if you wish. But this thread is about u and your abuse. I have admitted I have been warned on 2 other occasions about different things and here they are. And again, I have not done so since. The thing about 8 yr olds is that they really dont understand when they are being mistreated. And no I dont got you confused at all. I see right thru you. Call it what you wish. But it is what it is. Any1 reading this thread can see how you are changing your story and is a lil salty that sum1 has come into your house and called you out on ur BS. (Sumthing an 8 yr old doesnt know how to do), Prolly why you get along with them better. Again, we can stop with the bashing ? and let Woody handle this ? Cuz Im not an 8 year old. Throw your BS at me and I'll throw it right back in your face.

    Anyway, Your whole statement is a lie except your 8 yr old friends part.
    Jay n Christina, be honest, did we have issues when you corrected me ? Or did I understand right then n there and have not done so since ?
    When logs are pulled, you will see I was not there when you did your warning of the ladder thing to everyone.
    Yes I was human when I put props there. 1st round as human.
    Once again, there is a difference in breaking the rules blatently and not being aware.
    And lastly, Admin abuse is wrong! And you trying to justify it thru lies/exaggeration is what is upsetting me to where I am escalating this matter to Woody.
    Do we understand each other yet ?
  16. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Locked. Till I read this.
  17. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Seems like this is all he/she said. From the admin logs the admins followed protocol. Please remember to follow the server rules of you will be banned. I see no admin abuse here. Please respect the admins as they are there to ensure gameplay is fair for everyone.
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