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Discussion in 'Hellos and Goodbyes' started by koala, Oct 11, 2013.

  1. koala


    To many cade breakers not enough bans. Cya guys loved the server didn't like to much of the staff.
  2. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Turtle as said in game we all have other things to attend to . We are not all gonna sit in spec and watch you and your cade the whole time . The more you rage and scream in the server the more it pushes players to do that type of stuff . You yelling at admins isn't gonna help either . There are more players then just you at any given time in the server . We help as we can .
  3. koala


    Me Yelling? Are You On Crack? You Was Yelling at Me. I Said Repeatedly he was cade breaking, and what did you do? "OMG STFU TIRED OF PEOPLE COMPLAING" yeah, You was yelling at me. Please Remember atleast a hour or two. This guy has been warned atleast 15 times since i've been on this server, he still continues to break cade and all you do is gently hit his hand and say don't do it again? Learn to make a ban call and do your job.
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Sorry to see you go!

    On occasion there are discrepancies in the servers, but our admins do the bet they can. We ask all our admins to be lenient as we believe everyone deserves a second chance. Rest assured though if a player is abusing they will eventually get banned. I understand your frustration, but please keep in mind the game of zombie mod is played by a bunch of young kids. Most of the time they don't know the rules.

    Happy Gaming :)

    See you around the servers!
  5. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    And see there you go . You were screaming over the mic . I am not trying to turn this into a bitch fest . Also saying do my job . Bro I don't get paid to do this shit . It is not my job to sit and babysit only when you play . I have warned you now for how many days to stop screaming and take a chill pill . I even think one of the day Gotcha had to step in and stop it . You are not the only player having issues . I deal with them one at a time . If someone is having a issue before you they come first . I don't give special privledges to people cause they are in the clan . I treat all players even . When we told you we were getting to it you just kept yelling for us to do something . Also slaps on the hands is what we are told to do till the player gets out of hand . Like I said maybe if you would like to help us out donate for admin . Maybe then you and everyone else that thinks we are so mean would understand how it all goes . If we just went around banning or kicking people all the time the owners Gotcha and Woody would not be too happy .
  6. X Ja mofo

    X Ja mofo Senior Admin

    Mofos fault.

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