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Reviewed Thank you Player Report - n1ke

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by Foxx, Apr 22, 2014.

  1. Foxx


    Player Name:
    Yesterday (4/21/14)
    Detailed Explanation with Screenshots/Demos::
    The user kept winning games 50 kills and approximately 10 deaths per round. I decided to spectate him due to this repeated winning streak. He ended up going 35 kills and 25 deaths and ultimately left the game at level 20 (aug) because another user was at level 24 (nade). Keep in mind this is the same players as the previous rounds.

    He then later came back on 15 minutes later, saw that I was on and didn't join a team and left. He did this repeatedly for 45 mins (came back 3 times since me spec'ing him). He obviously didn't want to play if I was watching. Unrealistic scores and the guy is rude to such an awesome community of peeps. Thanks and please look into this! Cheers!​
  2. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    He is currently ranked #1 on GG with 794 Connects and over 13 days of playtime. Might you consider he is actually that good? What we would need to look at is a demo, screenshots, or some other evidence to support your report.
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2014
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  3. Foxx


    I've got recordings on my PC and various people who vouch that he does indeed cheat.

    Look up Commander Blood, Mirage, etc. for more info. (they can verify his crappy results on camera). I can also try and upload my recordings of him if that helps. It's quite annoying, because I thought for the longest time he was actually an elite player on the server.

    Edit: Could you look into yourself? As he plays a lot and is commonly accused by pros and noobs (like myself, I'm not an elite player, but I play a lot and strive to get better by studying weapons and maps) Saying that he probably is that good because he plays a lot is quite disturbing to hear from an admin. :confused:
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I've played with n1ke on multiple occasions and he's only beat me once. It's fairly easy to dominate in gun game if you can aim decently and understand the gameplay.

    With that being said if you can provide me with a demo that shows him hacking then I'll ban him.
  5. Foxx


    Well when you turn hacks off because you know the head admin is in the room, I'm sure he's fairly easy to beat. He does take advantage when the server is filled with newbies. Also have N( . Y . )DLE who is a top 10 player backing up the accusations.

    I literally just spec him every single time he plays and he loses. Whenever I don't record/spec him, he wins. Happened again today.

    Thanks for the prompt reply though, Woody. Much appreciated.
  6. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    That could be true, however I still cannot ban him without proper proof.

    Myself and the current admins don't have enough time to spec him every time he plays. This leaves it up to the players to record proper proof.

    You can simply leave yourself in spectate all day, checking back to see if he's on and record a demo if he is.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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