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DC Universe Online Clan

Discussion in 'Other Games' started by DoughBoy, Nov 21, 2013.

  1. DoughBoy


  2. DoughBoy


    Im not sure if owning a clan is free, but if not its very cheap. I'll look for the requirements to own one in a bit.
  3. DoughBoy


    Starting a League
    To create a League you have to start a regular group with another player and click the Create League button in your Social Window, then pick a name for your league. As of the "Free to Play" update, only Legendary account players can create a new league, However once started, a league stays even if the leader goes to non legendary status.

    Managing a League
    Leader Permissions
    As your league's leader you can:

    • invite players to join your league
    • remove players from your league
    • access the league's unique voice chat channel
    • change a member's rank
    • edit the Message of the Day (MOTD)
    • allow or deny any of the above privelages
    Message of the Day
    The MOTD will be shown to all members on login, at least once per day. Changes to the MOTD will display to all online members immediately.

    Players may copy text from the MOTD into their clipboards, making it a good place to display URLs or third-party voice chat info.

    Within a league, ranks can be used to better distinguish new members from veteran ones, specify group/raid leaders and otherwise promote order and heirarchy within the league. There are always 10 ranks in each league.

    The league ranks are as follows

    • Leader
    • Officer
    • Tactitian
    • Veteran
    • Rival
    • Member
    • Sidekick
    • Initiate
    • Recruit
    • Candidate
    To disband a league access the league control window and press the Disband League button.

    A legendary membership is like a montly charge.

  4. ryk3r

    ryk3r VigilanteGamers Clan Patriot! :D Member

    Cool! :D seems like an awesome game :D
  5. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    WOW, talk about pulling up an old post.
  6. ryk3r

    ryk3r VigilanteGamers Clan Patriot! :D Member

    yeah, I have been on and off mostly reading posts.

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