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United Pegasus is a racist

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by BiGTeX, Jul 22, 2014.

  1. BiGTeX


    I have been playing in ur server for a lil while now and have noticed u have active racists in ur server. U might not have had an admin in there but a guy named -={Viper}=- was in there talking to him and didnt say anything to him. I havent played source in some time and forgotten how to get steamid. Maybe one day we will all be "The Human Race". This happened around 3:00 pm cst on 7/22. Im sure youll delete this so others wont see this and i wouldnt blame u if u did. he sounded like a teenager or young kid. I said on the mic"So i have found a racist server" and and everyone shut up. I went back using a different name and he was still at it, so i just left. This isnt the first guy talkin mad racial shit in ur server. I will say something, then get accosted by people telling me to leave. I love playin in ue server but do not enjoy hearing black jokes as i play. Im an old guy, i pay donations to many servers so i can get in w/o wait. This will not be one of them. Please dont take this as me trying to judge or disrespect any of yall, I just dont have anything to do with racists, i just dont associate with them, and it makes ur group look bad.
  2. Toad


    What sever was this on?
  3. BiGTeX


    duh... sorry bro. It was the orange_3x_fix
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Please use the report section of the forums. It is located here: http://www.forums.vigilantegamers.net/forums/report-center.42/

    A simple demo or screenshot of the racism and they will be perm muted/gaged. Please remember that the server is open to the public and everyone is welcome to play there. We have a simple set of rules that can be found on the MOTD and I'm sure you've already seen that racism is not tolerated. There is no possible way to monitor the server 24/7, so please don't make assumptions about the community. We provide a report system for a reason and all reports are handled promptly. You can also find a list of admins to add in the navigation bar above or by this link: http://www.forums.vigilantegamers.net/pages/admins/
  5. BiGTeX


    I completely understand. I have taken care of servers back in my days of youth lol, and there's not really anything u guys can do about it if ur not in there. I was just puttin this up there so u guys would know whats goin on. I am sorry for posting this in the wrong area.
  6. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    Thanks for letting us know. Grab some steam ids and we can take a look at their chat history.
  7. BiGTeX


    It was voice.
  8. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Um, there is something we can do if you would please get the proper evidence of the actions that are taken place. Screenshot while you are in there if they are saying it in chat. I believe Screenshot is F12 if i'm not mistaken. IF they're speaking on voice open console and record a demo. Once you have the proof you can easily post a report that we will easily take the proper actions accordingly that are needed.

    If you're not sure on how to record a demo Here is a vid I had made.

    Also for further issues you can add me on Steam and just throw me a message and i surely will come in and take care of the problem that is occurring. Hope this helps!
  9. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    He Big Tex sorry about the issue . If you would like you can add me through steam and if you are ever having issues in any of the servers come get me , also try and get a demo when folks are doing this over the mics . We will mos def get this issue handled !
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  10. LennyBStacks

    LennyBStacks The Gamer Girl (MMMmmSexy)

    Wow I don't put up with that... not cool. I am usually on at some point most every night. Add me if you need to as well.

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