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Zmod ranks

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Dots, Jul 29, 2014.

  1. Dots


    think rather then having people farm bots for points i think that human players be worth a certain amount and bots be a lesser amount i have noticed people just come on in the middle of the night to farm bots for points to get first place . maybe if we make it lesser points for bots and more points for human players would over all give people a chance to get within the top 10 ranks .
    i dont come on if there is no players beats the purpose
  2. RyuSeishin


    If there is no one on so you don't come on then that still makes no one on, but if you come on when there is no one, and someone sees oh there is a human, then they come on and more people join as they see more people being on. If everyone sat there and said well no one is on so I'm not going to join until there is, then nobody would ever join. Someone has to be first. As for farming bots who cares, ranks don't mean jack squat anyways, and even if you do make humans worth more then bots, it would just make people hide in crouch spots more then they already do to farm for the higher human points.
  3. Dots


    if vg members are farming bots for ranks it doesnt open for new players to come in , they look at ranks and see very high point numbers and leave i thought we were about bring people to the server not scaring them away i join game last night and i say vg member had 500 points and 1 death it does tend to throw new players off i watch 3 people join and leave just before the last guy left he said in chat to our vg member your too good and then left 500/1 it would scare any new player.
  4. Dots


    i think the only people who would farm humans would be the vg members like they already do on bots.
  5. Blurry Figure

    Blurry Figure Part-time Barrel Member

    I have to agree on Ryu's point, specifically that rank doesn't mean jack squat. It really doesn't reflect anything accurately as far as the gamemode goes. Best to ignore it and the people who flaunt it lol
  6. Shah

    Shah suffers from anatidaephobia

    First of all, you used to farm bots all the time to get rank 1. You'd come on at all hours of the night when no one was on for the express purpose of farming, and there was nothing wrong with that. You're not rank 1 anymore, and there's a whole lot of caring about how much rank is killing the server.

    Next, VG members farming has no effect on new players. Rank has never been a deterring enough factor, and if they did I'd suggest they weren't that interested in it to begin with. I see people who have been playing for a single day competing to be on the top 100 to boast about how quickly they ascended in rank, versus how long they've been on. It brings people in. The people who like it enjoy being esteemed with high rank, and the people who don't care can ignore those farming.

    Last, the score thing you're talking about has no effect on rank. Some maps include secrets that increase your score, this is not to be confused with your rank actually increasing. Holyzombie, ATIX Heli, and Minicity are some of such maps.
  7. Dots


    i didnt play all hours of the night i am a single parent for 1 , and i did play alot and most of my time it was before midnite my time and after noon my time . for 1 and if no humans were on i wasnt on by myself with just bots. but thats besides the point.
  8. Shah

    Shah suffers from anatidaephobia


    for the sake of accuracy
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2014
  9. Sikk

    Sikk Musika

    Rank in a way actually does matter. Anyone who has played the ZM server long enough knows that they played a bit competitive here and there to achieve a certain rank. But I disagree with your reasoning on how rank is seen by newer players. In reality it can just motivate new players to work their way up the rank ladder. However, I do agree that bots giving points deteriorates most of the competitiveness. Bots should never give points in the first place and people have been abusing this since the start including me :D It's a pretty lame to wake up the next day seeing someone just took your top spot by 500+ points or to see a huge gap in the top 3 compared to the other top 7.

    EDIT: I stopped playing ZM because I was literally playing just to maintain my rank at one point. I stopped because I disliked the fact that I had to no life the game to maintain anywhere near top 5 LOL.
  10. Shah

    Shah suffers from anatidaephobia

    The CS:S userbase is shrinking, and if bots didn't give points, less people would stay when bots mainly populated the server.

    Returning only to maintain your rank is the best example I can think of for why its working. Bots allow for those anyone patient enough to feel like a top10 superstar for a hour. If the server didn't have an objective for those people during odd hours of the night, I think it'd end up empty a lot.
  11. Sikk

    Sikk Musika

    Bots are only there so the player has something to do while they wait for players. It's not really there so they can farm up points and get an easy ticket to top 10. The server is already filled with enough players to earn points off, and it won't make players stop playing because the people who stay up late at night are the ones who play on the server on a daily basis. This is why your motivation to maintain your rank won't change either because you're already spending the majority of your time in ZM playing with actual players. It'll just make rank a much healthier environment for the individual players who are competitive.

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