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Kali Muscle - Admin Application

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by Kali Muscle, Aug 3, 2015.

  1. Kali Muscle

    Kali Muscle

    GameME Profile Link:
    Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?:
    Yes, but I was an owner. In 2012, I had servers in Hl2 Deathmatch as RP servers, TF2 As 100% critical servers. Unfortunately at the time I had to focus in studies and I did not have very much donors. Although right now, I have time and I do have experience in this type of gaming community.
    What server would you like to become admin on?:
    TF2 Orange
    Can you donate the REQUIRED $10.00 dollars each month for a total (6) months?:
    Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?:
    Why do you want to become an admin?:
    Why do I want to become admin? I feel the need to mute the annoying mic spammers, you know those trolls? Kick/ban the ones who say racist stuff, if they don't cooperate to change their names or what they have to say. I'm a mature 14 year old that use to have servers back then, in TF2, CS:Source, and Minecraft. Unfortunately it went down due to money issues and lack of time, but now is the time that I have time. Most importantly I want the people in the server to have a good time, and get rid of the trolls. I recently got back into TF2 and fell in love with this server, this is the server I mainly play now! Sometimes the admins aren't on and the mic spammers are out of hand, although there is always a self mute option! I personally believe I will be a great admin, I have experience. As a 14 year old, people would think I am immature, irresponsible, but that's not true. Funny thing as my previous made servers had the clan tag [VG], very similar! It stands for Volant Gamers, ahaha. I made servers when I was 12, and had some donors but it went down though. This server is very addicting and I would love to show my respect and show the responsibility I have for this server! Thanks! My steam ID is : STEAM_0:0:96054195 | Although I cannot pay the monthly thing as of right now, my part time summer job will do! By the way this is my new account and it shows I do not have much time on it, my other account has been locked because I forgot the info for it, and my old email too! I hope to be an admin here and show what I have to show! Again, thankyou. I want everyone to have a great time in the server, and again, get rid of cheaters or people who ruin the server in general.
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2015
    • Informative Informative x 1
  2. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    Thanks for applying Kali, but we require the $10 donation which helps us keep our doors open, which I'm sure you can understand from your comment.

    I would suggest playing more on the servers, consider becoming a member, and down the road, maybe apply again.
  3. Kali Muscle

    Kali Muscle


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