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Member Profile - Shiny Groudon

Discussion in 'Member Profiles' started by Shiny Groudon, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Shiny Groudon

    Shiny Groudon

    Favorite Steam Game:
    Team Fortress 2
    Favorite Food:
    Basically anything I enjoy eating :)
    Hobbies / General Interests:
    Building and taking apart video game systems and also fixing them. (Once made a fully functional gameboy graphing calculator! Playing games on my laptop, play Pokemon on my gameboys or 3ds. I also enjoy building robots for a class at school and compete with them.
    Favorite Movie:
    I have 5 actually. Hush, Jurassic World, The Lego Movie, 2012 and Up
    Favorite Song:
    Won't Let You Fall
    Pets / Animals:
    Goldfish -Sushi
    Favorite Place To Visit:
    Orlando (DISNEY WORLD)
    Favorite Place To Eat:
    How did you find VigilanteGamers?:
    I found out about it from Orange x3. I met Epsilon and GingaNinja and I decided I wanted to be an admin as well since i play Orange x3 almost every time I open up TF2.
    Fun Short Story About Yourself (keep it clean):
    One thing about me: I actually am deaf :) If you guys are surprised to hear that I am Deaf or don’t believe me, that’s alright :D. I am profoundly Deaf (100% not able to hear) But all of that changed ever since I got a marvelous invention that changed my life: the Cochlear Implant! It now helps me hear things that Deaf people cannot hear! I currently have 98% hearing with the Cochlear Implant on. If you guys have any questions about my disability, feel free to ask! I’ll gladly answer your questions! Also, don’t feel bad for my disability,
    Upload a Photo of yourself:


    Attached Files:

  2. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    Dude that's freaking sweet that you made a gameboy out of a calculator haha!
  3. Shiny Groudon

    Shiny Groudon

    Ikr XD. I have it on my facebook account if u want to see it :^)

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