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Should VG expand into Xbox 360?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mercenary 511, Jun 12, 2012.


Should VG expand into the Xbox 360?

  1. Yes, VG should expand into Xbox 360

    6 vote(s)
  2. I'll think about it

    1 vote(s)
  3. I dont care

    2 vote(s)
  4. No, VG should stay out of Xbox 360

    8 vote(s)
  1. Mercenary 511

    Mercenary 511

    Ok, hey everyone so I was thinking about expanding VG into the Xbox 360, so I asked -VG-Woody and he told me to ask the members, if this is a good idea or not and also if y'all have an Xbox Live account (to help gain a foot hold into the Xbox 360). Truly I think this is a great idea because:

    - We can make VG into a larger Gaming Community
    - Meet more people on a different system
    - Make VG much more known
    - Also let more people join VG that dont have a PC or games for the PC

    - So please leave comments about this below, we are asking you as the members of VG if this is a good idea or not. I will also try to start a poll so we can keep better track of the results.

    Thank You
  2. Mercenary 511

    Mercenary 511

    Expand VG into Xbox 360?

    Please let us know what you think. :)
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I went ahead and merged your poll and the main topic.. Thanks for posting this. Everyone is welcome to chime in with their thoughts! I personally dont have an Xbox 360, I do have a PS3 though, but I never play it anymore.
  4. Mercenary 511

    Mercenary 511

    Thank You, for letting me do this, I also have a PS3 but personaly I think the Xbox 360 has a better online system. Yes you pay for your member ship but the online it self is better quality. In my opinion.
  5. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Not a problem at all!
  6. Deoxy


    Honestly, you don't want all the people from the Xbox in - \/G -
    When I played Xbox, the only people you'd find is people who are rude, and racist, and yell and curse alot.
    In other words, a certain bird that is big probably came from the xbox.
  7. Mercenary 511

    Mercenary 511

    That is why you can set a "Type" which is you only allow certian people or "Types" of people in. When I say Type I dont mean their gender or race. Im talking about how they play and or act. For example:

    You only allow people with mics to join, Or only team players.

    Also another thing is that the people in PC woundint be affected if VG whent into 360. All it would do is make VG bigger/stronger, allow more sponsors, and give VG a change to participate in other and or more Game Battles.

    In my opinion this is a win-win for all of VG.
  8. This. Xbox live is full of absolute tards. You've gotta think also about the name of the clan. Our reputation would die down faster than we could properly admin and boot the influx of tards. Also, managing it all would be a logistical nightmare. We'd need a separate forum, and there would arise a certain divide between the PC gamers and the Xbox gamers. It'd be like having clics in the clan. No, no, let's keep VG a PC gaming clan.
  9. auto chaos

    auto chaos

    i agree its a cs:s clan not an xbox 360 clan. And i mean what games would the clan play, what i'm saying is the thing that connects us as clan members are playing cs:s together and i'm sure we would expand a whole lot but i don't think that is what this clan is about. Question do you also want the clan to be on xbox because your friends are on their?
  10. Semisane10

    Semisane10 Im Only Semi-insane

    I think thats a great idea!!!! i have an xbox but dont play on it much if you xbox fanatics on VG start it up and i might join if i get on!!!
  11. If you're gonna post a response rather than simply vote, at least have a reason to post - argue for why we should, or should not, start going for Xbox Live also.. And make sure you read the previous posts in the thread so you know what kind of discussions people are having / see if your ideas have already been adressed before...
  12. sUbZer0


    I think it would be a better idea later when cs:GO comes out, considering it is cross-console. But that is only possible if we get a cs:GO server, when the game fully releases.

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