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Slenderman re-app

Discussion in 'Join the Community' started by Slenderman00, Jun 19, 2012.

  1. Slenderman00


    In-Game Name: Slenderman00

    Real Name: Nate

    Location: Ohio

    How old are you?: 16

    Which server(s) of ours do you play on?: Mostly the zombiemod one

    How long have you been playing on our server(s)?: 3d 16:45:37h

    What is your Steam ID?: Slenderman00

    Previous Clans (if any)?:None

    Who (if anyone) referred you to apply?: -\/G- Bangkok

    Have you read and understand the member conduct agreement?: Yes.
  2. Uncle Vet

    Uncle Vet

    Been watchin Slenderman...seems cool. Knows rules too. Think he's ok.
  3. Slenderman00


    Nevermind, i dont want to be in a clan with admins like this.
  4. Uncle Vet

    Uncle Vet

    OK, methinks you're bein a bit of a rag though.
  5. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Slenderman I used voteban to ban you , it was a fucking joke. I didn't realize that you had pissed off other players and they had already votebanned you. Stop being a whiney bitch bro. I am trying to get woody to unban you . It is only for 30mins. There was no admin abuse. We as a clan mess around all the time and votebann each other. If I had known you were being your usual dick self I would not have typed !voteban to play since I would have known that the players in the server had already did so, just so it would not have banned you. Trust me if I was gonna ban you I would have done as I did the other night to crimewave and just banned you
  6. Slenderman00


    I dont think admins should act like this towards players.
  7. Deoxy


    - \/G - Deoxy: They're trying to undo it.
    - \/G - Deoxy: We need a high admin to do it, though.
    - \/G - Deoxy: Which the only high admin on is afk
    Slenderman00: well the admins of this server are shithead faggots
    - \/G - Deoxy: I'm an admin dude.
    Slenderman00: thats also admin abuse
    Slenderman00: so whoever did it should get removed from being an admin
    - \/G - Deoxy: It was boosted.
    Slenderman00: well he can fuck off then
    Slenderman00: Also i was recording that entire time and i did nothing wrong so tell boosted good luck with his admin abuse
    - \/G - Deoxy: I was talking to them about it, apparently all he did was type in voteban on your name.
    - \/G - Deoxy: Which activated that.
    - \/G - Deoxy: Making it not admin abuse.
    Slenderman00: that is admin abuse
    - \/G - Deoxy: Its not admin abuse if a majority of people votebanned you.
    Slenderman00: its admin abuse if i did nothing wrong
    - \/G - Deoxy: Its not admin abuse to voteban dude.
    Slenderman00: it is if i did nothing, and you know it, so stop trying to protect your little friend and realise its admin abuse
  8. Slenderman00


    Yea, I did say that, And im not going to deny it either.
  9. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    As an admin of many years and as stated playing with you , and you talking shit to other players now I could give 2 shits if you get unbanned. You are not a stand up worthy player to be in this clan anyway . Anyone that tells you different would just be lieing to ya. Ihave sat in the server for the last hour an listened to you bash and pick on other players . Guess thats why they ll votebanned your ass. I you think I used my admin read the chat bar in console and ell me what it says
  10. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Alright well he vote banned you which any player/admin/member can do. Sounds like Boosted didn't realize that the vote ban only needed one more vote. Just a big misunderstanding, so lets drop it. If you continue to argue I'll lock this topic.
  11. Uncle Vet

    Uncle Vet

    Hey Slender, we jack with each other all the time on here...nothing personal bout it. Just go with it and enjoy the game.
  12. Skepsis


    I'm going to weigh in my opinion here since I clearly don't know what we are talking about and wasn't there... *clears throat*

    YEAH TAKE THAT! ... That is all.


    Edit: Denied for... not being a real app and whatnot. And he said nevermind.
  13. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Well if you are still interested please re-apply. Remember to be respectful to all players, members, and admins in our servers.
  14. Kind of you Silver but I don't really think you should offer trolls re-apps. I remember his name as one of the "troll dicks" on the hns server.. And I suspected him of speccing there, too. Besides, he's being an obstinate cunt who shows no sign of even logical thinking here... I mean, what part of "is voteban // everyone wanted you gone // not admin abuse" doesn't he get?
  15. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Please do not revive old topics with trash talk. All this does is cause drama, which is not needed. Moved to the trash.

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