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Reviewed Thank you stickfrog disrupting gameplay/cadebreaking

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by Slenderman00, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. Slenderman00


    i was in a cade then he came along and shot down my vending machine and said "i just want in" then proceeded to shift around my cade then deliberatly shoots a dryer onto me and causes me to die. pretty self explanitory.

    Attached Files:

    • game.dem
      File size:
      937.1 KB
  2. Slenderman00


    Stickfrong breaking props

    once again stickfrog decides he wants to break props and get fame on the glorious camera good thing i have the record hot keyed so i can catch them. I was building up to get someone and he comes along and breaks my tower and runs away like he didnt do anything, luckily i got him and with his name in the video. so here you go.

    Attached Files:

  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Please do NOT make mutiple topics about the same person. Just create one topic and post any related information to that topic. I went ahead and merged all your separate topics.
  4. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    The demo shows the vending machine down, but it does now show that he had shot it down. As for the dryer issue you can shoot it off of yourself since it was your prop.
    This demo could be improved.

    Now this demo shows us that he did indeed knock over your tower of crates. This is a good demo as its provides sufficient evidence.

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