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2014 Admin Donation Format

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Gotcha, Dec 31, 2013.

  1. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    With a new year comes changes in our community. In order to encourage and reward our community admins we are changing the donation format. Starting Jan 1st, 2014 any admin who donates for six consecutive months will no longer be required to donate thereafter. As this is a new program prior donations are not being counted. Once you have met this requirement you will be grandfathered into our community as a supporter. You will have your admin as long as you retain some level of activity and are a member in good standing. We are doing this to encourage admin retention and to reward those who keep our community working. So lets recap...

    Six consecutive months of admin donation = Free admin for life
  2. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Can we just donate that all at once ?
  3. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    Yes you can.
  4. Riptide

    Riptide Resident beta tester Member

    Thats a really cool idea. I cant wait. I will still try to donate every few months (once i reach the 6 month threshold)
  5. MagikShot69

    MagikShot69 I put the G in OD that's why they call me GOD!!

    that's a good idea for our admins.. I would still donate every month.. but it also gives us a weight off our shoulders just in case we struggle to get the money in on time
  6. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    $50 donated to bring my total to $60.... woot woot, first one to $60!!! what else do I get? LOL
  7. Toad


    I'll donate 60 on the 18th.
  8. Dots


    just a question what happens if admins dont make there $10 a month after the have payed $60 you say they get admin for life meaning ? they get powers once they start making payment $10 per month . or they dont have to after they pay $60 ?

    if all admins decided not to pay after the $60 wouldnt that mean that eventually the server would run out of money to run?
  9. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    I believe your over thinking this T_T. The idea is to retain admins and to reward those who support our community. Many will still donate and we will have new admins in the future. Whether they pay $10 a month or all $60 all at once you will be grandfathered in as admin and no longer required to donate for admin. We are encouraging growth of our player base and will have more admins in the future to better our servers. Finally, we are financially sound or we wouldn't be doing this.
  10. Dots


    lol ok sorry was just thinking ...lol i`ll leave that to you guys ...lol:):):)

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