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Ad popups or ads in the background stuck in a continuous loop

Discussion in 'Counter Strike: Source' started by oli, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. oli


    I understand that the ad system was implemented and setup so you hear the ad every time you join the server and the MOTD is displayed, but I'm having issues outside of that. After joining, I hear a continuous loop of ads for about 10 minutes. During those ten minutes while the ads are playing, they are causing my game to become laggy and sometimes crash the game all together. Another issue is that while playing, periodically a popup ad will display saying that they would appreciate our help filling out a survey. Often times it is about 20-60 seconds before it allows me to be able to close out the ad. More frequently it has been happening that there are numerous ads that popup at the same time or back-to-back and practically makes it impossible to play the game. Talking to other players on the ZM server, the general consensus is that everyone is the same issues. Any ideas or suggestions to mitigate these problems that we all seems to be having?
  2. Spaz-A-Tron

    Spaz-A-Tron Dat Big Spaz

    Currently being fixed.
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    The ads have been removed completely! Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Let me know if you have anymore issues!

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