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Unbanned Ban Appeal - boopf

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by boopf, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. boopf


    Link to your ban, mute, or gag:
    Detailed reason why should you be unbanned or unblocked?:
    It's been forever since I was banned and i feel like VG is the only decent sk server that has players on it most of the time. When I was banned I feel like it being Permanent was a little over the top for what i was doing. I hope to finally be able to join an sk server that isn't euro or empty.​
  2. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    Two of the three bans were done by one of the founders with the last and perma one by him. You've been banned for trolling, your name, and for being an all around ass-hat. You're likely not going to be over-turned.
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Unbanned. I gave you a perm mute/gag in the server though.

    You may play, but not speak or type.

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