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Custom Elite App

Discussion in 'Join the Community' started by CustomElite, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. CustomElite


    In-Game Name: Custom Elite or Lerp

    Real Name: Marshall Adler

    Location: Colorado, USA

    How old are you?: 29

    Which server(s) of ours do you play on?: 24/7 Office / Dust Rotation

    How long have you been playing on our server(s)?: About a month now consistently.

    What is your Steam ID?: STEAM_0:1:46773013

    Previous Clans (if any)?: NOOB GALORE (I still wear clan tag but not an active member)

    Who (if anyone) referred you to apply?: Nobody, I just love VG servers and want to be a member and want to fill servers and donate when I can.

    Have you read and understand the member conduct agreement?: YES!

    Any other information you want to include is welcome:

    I'm a professional Internet marketer. One press release, one email blast etc., to my network can fill your servers fast. Plus I constantly talk about servers I love. Not only can I promote the crap out of VG if you grant me approval of membership, I can help you expand your web presence and get in front of hundreds of potential members.

    My ideal goal is to become Admin some day and to donate to the clan when I can.

    Thank you for considering my application.

    Custom Elite
  2. GoSu BG

    GoSu BG Member

    gl buddy nd welcome  :)
  3. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Welcome to the forums. Play a bit more in our servers and get to know some of the members.

    Also you cannot wear multiple clan tags.
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Denied due to inactivity on the forums and trash talking the servers/community in the server.
  5. GoSu BG

    GoSu BG Member

  6. DarkAngelx


    t(^-^t) Market this up yo~@$$ <3 xD

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