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Banned Hacker - Team Fortress 2 - Payload Upward Chicago

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by Hello Kitty, Apr 16, 2013.

  1. Hello Kitty

    Hello Kitty

    why does your server not allow people to join spectate?

    Everybody was trying to figure out if the douche was hacking during the previous match on Thunder Mountain, but nobody could spectate him because you block from joining spectate. More than half the players eventually left! Not allowing people to join spectater?... Very retarded because having that kind of set up will only invite more hackers to your server knowing that nobody can spectate them.

    I recorded a demo as a Demo :p

    15716573 30:54  46  0 active
    # 2201 "fluttershy worst pony 2013" STEAM_0:0:64367078 15:04  104  0 active

    Attached Files:

  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Sorry about that!

    Thanks for the demo!


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