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How to take a quick screenshot!

Discussion in 'Tutorials' started by Zeania, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Zeania

    Zeania Member

    I have searched for this and I couldn't find any tutorials for this (I might be wrong).
    Anyway, some of you still have the classic method of just pressing the Print Screen button and copying it in Paint, but here's a faster way:

    Program - TinyGrab

    What is TinyGrab?
    TinyGrab is a software that allows you to take screenshots whenever and wherever you want to take one.

    Where can I download TinyGrab?
    www.tinygrab.com - You can see at the middle of the website the download links (one for Windows and the other one for Mac) but you got to create an account first before you can use it, so be sure to create an account.

    How does it work?
    The hot-keys when you first download it are CTRL+SHIFT+3 (Which takes a full-screen picture - preview: http://grab.by/ozmU), CTRL+SHIFT+4 (That allows you to decide where exactly you want the screenshot to be at by dragging the cursor over - preview: http://grab.by/ozn4) and the last one is CTRL+SHIFT+5 (This one takes a screenshot on the window that is currently in the front screen - preview: http://grab.by/oznk)

    Where and how do I upload it?
    You don't even have to worry about uploading it, as soon as you take the screenshot, it will upload it automatically to their website and all you got to do is paste the link to where you want it to be (it will be already copied as soon as you take the screenshot and that the upload is complete)

    Can I retrieve all the screenshots I took in my life-time?
    Of course you can! There's two ways to look back at the screenshots you took previously, one of them is to go on www.tinygrab.com, you sign in by clicking the ''Control Panel'' button at the top right corner then once you're signed in, you will see all the screenshots you've taken previously. The second way is a less complicated way. In the preferences (right click the TinyGrab icon in your toolbar - http://grab.by/oznO), in the General tab, you will see this: http://grab.by/oznU
    All you have to do is to click the ''A Custom Folder'' (http://grab.by/oznY) and it will asks you in what folder you want the screenshots to be saved in, otherwise you can just make it save to your desktop by checking the ''Do not move images''

    However, there are some cons:
    - When you take a screenshot and the image is uploading, your internet will be slow down a little bit for the time it is uploading.
    - You cannot take screenshots that are over ~2 MBs big.
    - The base hot-keys are quite difficult to reach on some keyboards. (but you can change this in the preferences, obviously)
    - The image quality when it uploads on TinyGrab domains is always a bit lower.

    Hope this tutorial will help anyone! I've been using TinyGrab for quite a while now and I've took more than 2000 screenshots.

  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Snipping Tool for Windows 7 also works :)

    Nice tutorial!
  3. Zeania

    Zeania Member

    Yeah, there's multiple programs for this but TinyGrab has always been gold to me.
    And thanks! Planning to post more tutorials, feels good to help people.

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