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I'm not allowed to talk/communicate?

Discussion in 'Counter Strike: Source' started by apostolic18, Jul 25, 2013.

  1. apostolic18


    Hi, my in-game name is apostolic18. I've recently purchased CSS, and the zombiemod is currently my favorite server. But for some reason, i'm not allowed to use and !commands or hold k to communicate with other players, was I muted forever or something? Help please! Thanks
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    It appears you were muted by a Gotcha.

    L 07/22/2013 - 16:46:12: - \/G - Gotcha<1148><STEAM_0:1:23046690><> issued a permanent silence on apostolic18<824><STEAM_0:1:69027978><>.

    Wait for him to respond to this, then you will get your answer.
  3. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    I silence for trolling players, extreme mic spam including yelling, or playing music on the server and have silenced several the last few weeks for one of these reasons. No one wants to hear this and they leave the server. We can unmute you but if there are any additional problems i will ban you instead.

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