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InsTincT - Admin Application

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by InsTincT, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. InsTincT


    GameME Profile Link:
    Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?:
    Previous co owner of NoobGalore minigames server
    What server would you like to become admin on?:
    Can you donate the REQUIRED $10.00 dollars each month for a total (6) months?:
    Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?:
    Why do you want to become an admin?:
    See a lot of things that happen when admins aren't around that i don't like, people going against motd, calling others racial names, hacking, etc.., and i would like to be able to stop said things. also, my name isn't ThyUltimatum anymore, it's InsTincT, but it wouldn't find it.
  2. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member

    Thanks for applying but at this time, I do see your application, and while I normally would wait to see if approved as a member, I have to deny this application due to limited play time. Please continue to play on the server, get to know the guests, members and admins and down the road, please consider applying again.
  3. Homer J. Simpson

    Homer J. Simpson Former member


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