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introduction- retired soldier, CSS fan

Discussion in 'Hellos and Goodbyes' started by lactatingdog, Jan 7, 2012.

  1. lactatingdog

    lactatingdog Member

    Hello, fellow counterstrikers. my name is Mel.....but you call me sergeant.....hehehe......just a little army joke. i am a retired soldier, 65 years old. been playing CSS for a few years. I am not particularly good at it, but i am no slouch either. if you like chatting while playing, i will be happy to talk with you. of course, if you say something negative about the chicago cubs, i will have to slice and dice you....hehehe....huuummmm, for real if you are a cardinals fan.......or a brewers fan.....also, i don't care much for foot ball, but boxing is great. i live in florida, so if you got any good jokes about this place, i will love to hear them, especially about how bad these fools drive down here .....i live on the redneck riviera (pensacola). i am a fisherman, so that tells you immediately that i lie like a rug and i am a hunter, too (which means i lie twice as bad). just ask me about the 7.5 lbs squirrel i shot or the wildly zigzagging rabbit i shot with a .22 cal rifle at a range of 200 yards. i grew up in central illinois, so any of you illinoisans on the server give me a howdy and tell what part of the great state you are from (i am from knox county). i was in the army security agency, so any former asa'ers  make yourself know. be glad to chat with any other old soldiers, too. hell, i may even talk to you squids or you zoomies. you should never pass up  a chance to improve your lives by talking to some one from the army. of course, all of us in the army admire the marines, but we do have trouble trying to keep our conversations simple enough for a marine to understand..... anyway, i look forward to seeing all of you on the server.
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Nice long introduction!

    Welcome to the forums! If you are interested in joining the clan, you are welcome to fill out an application in the Join VG section!

    Thanks for the donation also! See you in the server!
  3. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Welcome to the forums bud. Also what part of Florida are you in ?
  4. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    Glad you found our forums. Enjoyed playing with you the other night in PUB. Let me know when your on and we'll see if we can get a game going.
  5. 5piTFire


    Nice to meat you!
  6. lactatingdog

    lactatingdog Member

    i was asked in what part of florida do i live. i live in pensacola. it is a small city in the panhandle of the state. in fact, i live in the last city in the state, going west. 10 minutes out of pensacola and you're in alabama. it is worth a visit.(pensacola, not alabama...after all, it is in florida...pensacola, not alabama...oh, well, you get what i mean) we have the national museum of naval aviation...one of the top aviation museums in the world. also, great beaches, decent night life and a good a good AA ball team.
  7. welcome to the forums
  8. the auditor

    the auditor Member

    wellcome sargent to the forum ^_^

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