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Banned Just Read it.

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by sUbZer0, Aug 16, 2012.

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  1. sUbZer0


    Okay, well you all know me. And for the past couple of weeks I'va apparently cause many problems. Though these weren't problems, these were just people not accepting logic. Before you just delete this post and ban me like you do with everyone else who talks out, just listen. I'm going to point some stuff that many people will agree with me on. Though those people would like to remain anonymous, for reasons unknown.
    1)VG's admin staff
    We all know whats wrong here. You just let almost anybody who applied and could pay the dues in. Though there are a couple of "cool" admins. Many of them are very disrespectful, and what i here do what is called "cyber bullying" which is very serious. From my point of view, I have been harnessed on multiple occasions by admins, even on completely different servers!! You need to look at who you have as admins. Most of them abuse it. And dont even look after all of the servers, and when they do its only because there is problem. Dont tell me thats not true cause I know it is.
    2) Consciousnesses
    With what I stated above, this will basically this is what will happen if it continues, people will leave the clan and VG will become no more.
    Simple and sweet.
    3)The admin abuse and lack of administrative behavior.
    This is a very important subject so listen up. You're so called "senior" admins just love to do this, including people like silver apple, and many others. They just break props for fun, and multiple other things. And the lack of administrative behavior, thats just insanely true, I will see at multiple times admins slaying people for cade breaking or prop breaking, to only 10 secs later a another player doing it and he/her getting off Scot free.

    So if you got this far then congratulations. Don't just shrug this off and delete it, just think about what i said. Understand the logic. You'll see what im saying. Here comes the final part, Good bye, and VG you guys have been one of the worst clans I've ever been in. I hope you're happy.
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Not sure where you got that idea from. Please provide examples of this. As we don't delete any posts or ban anyone usually.

    We currently only have (10) admins with (6) admin applications pending. So once again I'm not sure where you're getting your information from. It took fatality (3) months to get his admin.. this is just once instance. Other admins it took a few weeks to a month. You come with these allegations of being harassed by our admins, but you have no proof. Now on the other hand you are one of a few that have a problem with our admins. The hundreds and thousands of other players on our servers don't have an issue. Ever think its maybe just you? Now onto the admin abusing. I monitor our admin logs and have yet to find a case where there was admin abuse against you.

    If you say so. I would definitely trust your opinion since you've ran many established community's before right?

    Seeing as we only have 10 admins we cannot monitor the servers every minute and every player in there. This is a good thing since you can OVER administrate a server. The admin will only take action if he/she witnesses the event.

    Thanks for coming in and voicing your concern. A few issues I have is the fact that your track history in the clan isn't very pretty, to put it nicely. Along with being a 15 year old boy, that Gotcha and I on mutiple occasions have tried to help. With that being said your ban will remain permanent. Have a nice day.
  3. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    We make everyone follow our server rules, even you Subzero. Complaining while still playing on all our servers lends little to your argument. Sure tried to help you out to no avail and i do think its time you move on to darken other server doors.
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