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latency jump

Discussion in 'Technical Support/Help Desk' started by Spaz-A-Tron, Jul 15, 2012.

  1. Spaz-A-Tron

    Spaz-A-Tron Dat Big Spaz

    On occasion when playing on any server, I will be running between 25 to 60 latency, not much a problem, but recently I have been jumping up to 200 even 300 when nothing but playing CSS or also while on skype while playing CSS.

    Any ideas?
  2. Razer


    Well its not you or conputer its your connection to your router problay. And if you somtimes get kicked from server for it justntype in conole sv_cmdrate +100 and it will lower ping to 5.
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    It could be a number of reasons. Could be a bad "hop" to the server, you would need to do a traceroute. I can help you diagnose it when I see you on teamspeak.

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