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Member Profile - AntonYaBish™

Discussion in 'Member Profiles' started by AntonYaBish™, Mar 8, 2018.

  1. AntonYaBish™


    Favorite Steam Game:
    Counter-Strike: Source
    Favorite Food:
    Fish tacos
    Hobbies / General Interests:
    Music, Games, and your boyfriend's next girl.
    Favorite Movie:
    Pineapple Express, The Green Mile, The Dank Knight Returns
    Favorite Song:
    F*ckin Problems
    Pets / Animals:
    Favorite Place To Visit:
    The park, the hood, the clubs, the homies'. Pick one.
    Favorite Place To Eat:
    I'm not picky. The kitchen or a restaurant.
    How did you find VigilanteGamers?:
    Searched for GunGame, stumbled upon it.
    Fun Short Story About Yourself (keep it clean):
    About a month back, I was in a parking lot that had about 5 cars, all with their own couples doing night-time things. A friend pointed them out, so I decided to loop around the lot one time before driving off. During this loop, I turned on a song and blasted it with windows down, slowing down by each car to grin and give a thumb's up.
    The song of choice? Marvin Gaye, Let's Get It On

    The chick at the last car flipped me off. It was kinda funny.
    Upload a Photo of yourself:


    Attached Files:

  2. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    What up man! Favorite place to visit is the hood huh? that's whats up! mine too! Nice to see that you found the GG server. Its a beast for sure! Ill see you in there sometime

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