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more contests?

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by - /G - Cheesy-Fries, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. - /G - Cheesy-Fries

    - /G - Cheesy-Fries Member

    Okay. so i see ONE contest for TF2. That's cool. I think more would be nice though. Like for instance, ZombieMod. Lots of males and female players alike play on this, for 30 minutes to all day. and EVERYONE gets credits to buy lots of unique and utterly funny stuff, like trails, hats, or skins for guns and grenades. My idea is like the TF2 contest about every 20 minutes, a random quiz thingy of all sorts of random questions (like math) will appear where the map voting area is. and if thy get it right, they get a point or two. Whoever gets to the Top 5 with the most points wins 1,000 credits. the contest will be like every two weeks. It's just a suggestion.
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    We usually hold contests to populate a server. Zombie mod is already popular so that's the reason we haven't done one for it!

    We might in the future though, so stay tuned :)
  3. - /G - Cheesy-Fries

    - /G - Cheesy-Fries Member

    That may be true, but it never hurts to have more popularity to ZombieMod. Just look at the other things that are popular. Apple with its Ipod and Itunes, Saudi Arabia and its oil, USA and its nuclear bombs ready to blow up an invading/threatening countries (okay that's a little lie), and all those snot nose popular girls in High School and Middle School with their popularity and body ( Another lie [to me]). And everyone from the USA to Japan make it popular by buying it with their hard earned cash they wont get until the next two weeks, but in the mean time, bills come in, and drug dealers claiming the money they needed from the drugs the person bought from them are raiding their house, telling them threats to give them the money, and then they take the jewelry the persons wife had, then the wife screams at you for her jewelry loss, then divorces you, leaving you on the streets, fired from the persons job, the die a miserable life. The End. Moral of the story, don't do drugs kids. :D
  4. ryk3r

    ryk3r VigilanteGamers Clan Patriot! :D Member

    I like the suggestion CheesyFries. Maybe make it a set time like every 30 minutes a quiz pops up. That you know when to expect the quiz to show.

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