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Noob question

Discussion in 'Counter Strike: Source' started by Evil Haggis, Apr 23, 2012.

  1. Evil Haggis

    Evil Haggis Member

    Sobthis might be a dumb question but I'll ask anyway. Is the size of the hiders hit box dependent of the size of the prop they are using or does it stay the same general human sized?
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Stays the same general human size. Its very difficult / nearly impossible to change the hitboxes to match the current model. Unless someone would like to recreate all the models with hitboxes which would then have to be downloaded by everyone.

    So basically if someones is hiding as a keyboard you can aim about 5 feet above the model and get a headshot.

    Not a dumb question though as many people don't realize this!
  3. Evil Haggis

    Evil Haggis Member

    Ok. That kind of what I thought but wanted to make sure. Yesterday was the first time I have ever played hide and seek Stranger introduced it to me it's a blast.

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