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Reviewed Thank you Player Report - Marine Raider666

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by fatdaddy, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. fatdaddy

    fatdaddy Member

    Player Name:
    Marine Raider666
    3 times since friday: today started around 6:50pm central
    TF2 Orange
    Detailed Explanation with Screenshots/Demos::
    Marine Raider666 teams up with a member of the opposite color team while he is playing a spy. The other player is always a medic. The medic will continuously heal the enemy spy knowing he is a spy while Marine Raider666 backstab slaughters members of the medic's team. Out of the 3 times I've observed this behavior, a different player has been the cooperating medic. Today it was B4tman, and I don't have the other medics' names. Marine Raider666 typically ends his evening of cheating at the top of his teams score list.

  2. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I'll give them a both a warning about this. I don't see it being that big of an issue to be honest if they want to go through that much trouble to do that.
  3. fatdaddy

    fatdaddy Member

    He was back again tonight doing it again with a player named "jumplikenegrostrafelikekorean" u:123941658
  4. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I honestly see no issue with it as there only trying to have fun. Like I said before if they want to go work as a team like that and go through that amount of effort then let them be. Just try killing them :)

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