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Reviewed Thank you Player Report - shred707

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by Drac OPZ, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Player Name:
    Detailed Explanation with Screenshots/Demos::

    Here is a file i'm going to list ticks quick for you. What happen was i came in and he was afk in spectate so i decided to just stay in the server while i did work around the house and wait for him to return. As I did i watched him for a few seconds and he was asking people if i was there apparently i was told. After a while he went spectate for like 10 minutes then came back and started playing again but this time he started getting nothing but headshots and clearly knew where everyone was i got a message from someone saying they thought he was walling as well.

    Also one thing I wanted to point out that makes me think he walls is he shoots at his own teamates when he plays like this... When you have walls on it's hard to tell which is a teamate but he will peak and just fire right at them. Was just a thought and was strange too me seeing that a lot more then normal.

    Tick 4000 comes out of spawn and instantly looks at suicide then looks at wall with guy strafing then back to door then finally to bridge after he got shot.

    19700 comes out of spawn looks directly up at dead plat then lower plat at both then ct stairs right at all three ppl that are alive hmm

    24500 comes out t door looks mid looks right at guy trying to go up redrock to bridge i watched even without r_drawothermodels 2 on and could barly see him for a split second on my screen.

    27000 he peaks at him goes back reloads peaks again shoots right at him ct moved down bridge...

    there the main ones i seen off the bat of an eye i could be wrong, some could be coincidence, but i get alot of messages about him not recently other then 1-2 ppl think they just gave up lol, but i as well played against him and questions a few of his peaks he got on me.​
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Okay I'll take a look at this tomorrow!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I watched this a few times and I still don't see any decent evidence. Just looks like a decent player.

    Most wall hacks actually color the players red/blue so they are easily identifiable. Even if he was using a bypass for r_drawothermodels that smac wouldn't detect it's still fairly easy to make out the models.
  4. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    mk there's a lot of ppl thinking he walls and after that night it made me in suspense but wasn't sure thanks :p

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