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Sniper/Spy Bot Vote Thread

Discussion in 'Team Fortress 2' started by Gavlan, Jun 15, 2016.


Snipers/Spies, yes or no?

  1. Yes, we should keep them both

    1 vote(s)
  2. We should only keep spies

    2 vote(s)
  3. We should only keep snipers

    1 vote(s)
  4. No, we should eliminate them both

    3 vote(s)
  1. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Please vote here on whether or not you want the bot spies and snipers removed from the tf2 servers. Thanks!
  2. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Would we be removing them from all servers or just certain ones (lazytown)?

    I'm not sure the bots are an issue on 2fort?
  4. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Any 2fort players want to comment?
  5. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Played 2fort a while back can't remember exactly when, and the only issue I actually had was the spies... Snipers were fine, but the spies were ridiculously annoying.
  6. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    My issue with the snipers is that they are programmed to either kill or miss so they get annoying fast
  7. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    I actually don't mind the spies as much as the snipers haha!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. rain_yagami

    rain_yagami Senior Member

    i dont really care about those 2 i care more about those freaking perfect aim scouts that can chip half of ur life at long range with the pistol and if u dont see them coming they will kill u with one clip of the pistol they r annoying as hell
  9. Rogue

    Rogue Fmr. Lazytown Manager Senior Member

    The thread I posted was for the removal of snipers and spies and maybe bumping down the difficulty on lazytown, which I forgot to bring up. I wasn't thinking community wide but if thats what people want then I won't argue.
  10. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    Oh I forgot about how hellish pistol scouts are on Orange! Supremely accurate from miles away lol
  11. Not even the scouts guys... The medics with syringe guns can easily destroy my fucking sentry guns and then kill me not missing a SINGLE shot. We should not remove medics but I think they need to get nerfed (a.k.a. difficulty reduced) at least just for them. I mean syringe gun medics have a lower range but they are overpowered as fuck, like they LITERALLY have aimbot. I like spies on Lazytown, there have been more than one time a bot spy saved my life, and snipers kinda annoy me but Lazytown without snipers is like a cat without a tail, it won't work out. Lazytown is a map somewhat made for snipers, especially the last control point where snipers can dominate everyone since there is little cover.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. rain_yagami

    rain_yagami Senior Member

    yeah maybe we should just have 1 medic bot per team cuz its quite annoying u try to kill a good soldier and either theyre both pocketing him or u kill one of them and then the other comes by right after like a tissue dispenser and that pretty sure means ur dead by the pocket
  13. I agree with yagami, we need one bot medic per team and that medic needs his difficulty reduced. It is nearly impossible to kill bot heavies with 2 (aim)bot medics healing him non-stop.
    • Agree Agree x 1

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