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So i lost my election

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MagikShot69, Jun 20, 2013.

  1. MagikShot69

    MagikShot69 I put the G in OD that's why they call me GOD!!

    Guys i lost my election yesterday.... It was a long day from 530am till 9pm...As i asked my brothers and sisters of my local to vote for my team... the votes were not in our favor out of 48 of us running none of us made it... This is bad news for my local  as the team that won had a negitive message... If they plan to vote for the stuff they were advertising our brothers and sisters of the district council of carpenters are in trouble ...Needed to vent that out to my brothers and sisters of this comminity..
  2. Piggy

    Piggy Member

    Re: So i lost my erection

    When I first glanced at your posting's title, I thought you were referring to loosing your erection. That can be tragic sometimes.
  3. - /G - Callous Penguin

    - /G - Callous Penguin Member

    Re: So i lost my erection

    GAH! you're such a PIG!!


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