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Spooky Groudon - Admin Application

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by Shiny Groudon, Oct 24, 2016.

  1. Shiny Groudon

    Shiny Groudon

    GameME Profile Link:
    What server would you like to become admin on?:
    TF2 Orange
    I have read and understand the admin guidelines/conduct linked above:
    Do you have a mic?:
    English is my main language or I can speak it fluently:
    I understand that I am responsible for anything done on my account:
    What do you expect your job to be as an admin?:
    I expect my job to be very responsible. I will do my best in making my server fun and fair. I will nicely ask people not to be jerks, but if they will continue, I will have to ban them, or have to do what is required to do via the admin rules. I am generally a nice person who loves having fun with my friends. I want to have my friends have fun too, and if they are being picked on or whatever by other players, I will have a word with those people.
    What is the appropriate action needed for a mic/chat spammer?:
    I will politely ask them not to spam into the mics or chat. If they continue on, I will warn them. I won't ban them for bad reasons, but if it is an obvious reason, I will ban them so they don't disrupt with the other's enjoyment of play.
    If you hear news there is a hacker, what actions would you take?:
    I will have a word with the hacker. I will let them play only if they don't disrupt with other players. If they do, its an automatic warning from me and a possible ban if they continue on. Plus, I also will need evidence to see if they actually are hacking.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2016
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Epsilon

    Epsilon Member

    yeah, I was just talking to him about some rules and some things he needs to know, and so far as I say: he is ready for the responsibility.
  3. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    Congratulations, I have reviewed your application and feel you would make a great addition to the admin team!

    Seal Of Approval.png

    A few thing I need you to get done before your training
    Be sure you are getting in TeamSpeak whenever you are in-game, so you can be trained!
    A Community Manager will contact you in TS asap :)
  4. Epsilon

    Epsilon Member

    Welcome to the Admin Team fam B)

  5. ongrats!!
    and welcome th the admin team
  6. 3.1 TATOR_TOT

    3.1 TATOR_TOT

    welcome to ze admin team :woot:
  7. Maksi


    A new admin congratulations
  8. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Give me a poke when you're on TS3 and I will train you.
  9. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    Trained and set up!
    • Winner Winner x 1
  10. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    Demoted, Left VG.

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