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Steam Trading Forums

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by Zeania, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Zeania

    Zeania Member

    Hi everyone, just wondering if it could be possible to have a Steam Trading Cards forums in which you can trade your cards with other members of VG. This way I think there will be more interactions on the forums. Just an idea going on.

    The reason why I am posting this is because I need 2 Cards of the Summer Sale (Dead Island Riptide and Football Manager 2013), I have an extra Kerbal Space Program card so if there's anyone that is up for trade, lemme know by PM or just add me on Steam (http://steamcommunity.com/id/Generosity).
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Might be a good idea. I know silver likes her trading cards.
  3. DANNY(xXx)


    i have the football manager 2013 card i added you on steam
  4. Stanger

    Stanger Member



    what do the trading cards do i have seen them but didnt know what they did?
  5. DANNY(xXx)


    i know you can sell them other than that i really dont know what they do either.
  6. Zeania

    Zeania Member

    Basically cards are to craft badge from a specific game (or an event like the current Summer Sale), those badges gives you Steam EXP which makes grants you bonus levels as well. The more level you have, the more friends slot you have, you unlock backgrounds for your Steam Profile and emoticons for the Chat.
    These things are 100% cosmetic, it won't grant you 15% more accuracy to X game (that would be pretty broken).
    Also, you can sell or trade everything related to cards (the cards itself, the backgrounds and the emoticons you unlock).
    So that's basically what trading cards are made for.

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