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Vampypuppy admin app

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by - /G - Vampypuppy, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. - /G - Vampypuppy

    - /G - Vampypuppy Member

    1. Real name: Krysta

    2. Age: 23

    3 .Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?: No I haven't.

    4. What server would you like to become admin on?: 2Fort.

    5. Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

    6. How often do you play each week?: 10 - 30 hours.

    7. Are you willing to donate the required $10.00 dollars each month?: Yes.

    8. Do you have TeamSpeak3? (All admins are required to be in TS3 while in-game): Yes.

    9. Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?: Yep.

    10. Why do you want to become an admin?: Been playing alot of our 2Fort server lately and since there isn't many admins on there, I think with the amount of time I put into it I could help out a bit.
  2. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Hey thanks for putting in an admin application!

    You have just joined the clan so this will most likely not be approved right away.

    Be active in the forums and the servers and be patient!

    This will be discussed among the other admins and we'll let you know!
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Approved! Welcome to the admin team! Glad to have you aboard as we need some 2Fort admins!

    I'll get you all set up once we receive your donation!
  4. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Welcome to the team!
  5. Spaz-A-Tron

    Spaz-A-Tron Dat Big Spaz

    Congrats babe =)
  6. boby_xt

    boby_xt Member

    Welcome to the team :))

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