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(Website) Rating "Farming"

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by Alexey Davydov, Oct 13, 2014.

  1. Alexey Davydov

    Alexey Davydov TF2 Pootis Manager

    I came across this method of "Farming" Ratings for the profile. This was a complete accident, but I can see this becoming a bit problematic. The way I came across this is when -\/G- Khan rated one of my posts, and then when I deleted the post the rating stayed. Meaning 2 people can farm a ridiculous amount of ratings in a short amount of time.

    Steps to do this (For Educational Purposes)

    Step 1: Make a post
    Step 2: Have a friend add any rating
    Step 3: Delete your post
    Step 4: Repeat this process as many times as you want.

    As you can see, in about 10 minutes the person may earn up to 20 ratings if done fairly quickly. In this case in an entire day the person will have more ratings than the owner of Vigilante Gamers!! In a week he will have more ratings than everyone in the community combined! Of course this is not a real issue, however somebody with a bizzare amount of ratings just seems peculiar.

    But what are your thoughts on this 'issue'? Should it be fixed in any way?
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I could always remove ratings for profile posts.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Riptide

    Riptide Resident beta tester Member

    I think that would be silly as it implies some sort of actual value behind a rating
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. Alexey Davydov

    Alexey Davydov TF2 Pootis Manager

    Well, I never said ratings meant something that is important. However it is peculiar to see someone with a 1000 like ratings.. Plus, I am just reporting an 'issue' not saying it must be fixed. Just I pay attention to every single detail, much like a critic... I guess.. so I report every issue I can find no matter how important it is.
  5. Dots


    ty for the info .. if they choose to use it , that different but admins for website can also see who making posts at what time . so they can disable that one person if need be..;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Alexey Davydov

    Alexey Davydov TF2 Pootis Manager

    You are right. They could, now that I think about it this is a pretty silly idea :p
  7. Dots


    nah good idea`s come when you explore other options.. :):)
    • Like Like x 2

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