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Temp Banned ZM Admin Abuse

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by sUbZer0, Jul 22, 2012.

  1. sUbZer0


    I was banned from ZM By Boosted for doing nothing wrong, I can't believe you guys would find nothing wrong with that! Even with Gotcha in the server it dident stop Boosted from banning me from both the server and Teamspeak. You guys need to look in on who you set as admins. It's ridiculous.
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Boosted I have removed both of your post, as none of what you said was needed. I'm not sure what was said or whats going. Gotcha will handle this though, as I'm sure he knows whats going on.
  3. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    You were banned by a community vote on zombie for a half hour. I have perm banned you from Teamspeak on part for complaining about our clan on our servers and members of \/G. Teamspeak is for use for our gaming group and not for your personal use to complain about us. You well know the rules and one of those is admin disrespect is and always will be a bannable offense.
  4. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    yes Gotcha was in there woody !
  5. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Gotcha has it handled!

    Subzero, Only gotcha and myself can ban from teamspeak. We have warned you multiple times to stop complaining, disrespecting the clan/members/admins among other things. If you continue it will most likely be a permanent ban from the servers, I told you awhile back to stop talking and just play the game.
  6. sUbZer0


    I understand, but i never complained about you guys in Teamspeak, and i would never do so, and for Admin disrespect, i came into the Zm server and boosted started talking crap to me, if any thing that should not of even happened.
  7. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Topic Locked. You understand what you did, if you continue the ban will be permanent.
  8. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    I heard the back and forth but consider this Subzero...Boosted is an admin and a member or this clan. You were banned by the community playing at the time. Break our rules and it will be me next time banning you. Topic locked.

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