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Reversed Unban Request

Discussion in 'Ban Appeals' started by TheRealToxicity, Sep 11, 2013.

  1. Hi there everyone from VG! It's me, Toxicity!!! I would like to request an unban from my previous ban. The ban was permanent and I haven't been on since last year! I've been thinking about it for this past year, and I would like to re-join the Community, or at least be unbanned from the servers. In that past year, I have learned a LOT about maturity, and what I did was not okay and it will NEVER EVER be okay nor happen again. I hope I am unbanned!

    Your old friend,
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2013
  2. Toad


    Why were you banned?
  3. SpartanProjekt

    SpartanProjekt Member

    What were you banned for?
  4. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    He called our only Black person or half black person in the clan the N word amongst other things .With that said if he can handle himself the way the rest of our member do then I say bring him back . But remember if we don't allow that type of stuff from players in the server we mos def wont allow it from members
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2013
  5. Trust me, this was on New Years Eve and when I was incredibly immature. I didn't even know that the person was of black authenticity. It will NEVER EVER happen again. I rue the day I did that. I messed up my favorite community with my favorite friends that I spent all of my time on for Counter-Strike: Source. I would love to be unbanned. Thanks!
  6. SpartanProjekt

    SpartanProjekt Member

    I say +1 to stay banned
  7. What?! Why?!!!!
  8. SpartanProjekt

    SpartanProjekt Member

    Racism is not tolerated and seeing how you called one of the only members a certain word, makes me decide that someone who can not hold there tongue in respect of Code of Conduct or clan rules should not be allowed back in. Especially with an excuse "I was really immature a YEAR ago" People don't just change, change takes time..I honestly think you should remain being banned and just deal with it. Perhaps find another community? if your reply gets aggressive I will have a forum moderator lock and close this thread.
  9. Toad


    Heavily agree.
  10. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    You have Boosted to thank for getting unbanned. Acknowledgement of your actions says a lot and in this case you get a second chance. Don't mess it up.
  11. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Sad but Toxicity has came back to the servers being his old self again . Being racist and using them types of words will get you no where . I feel he should have his ban back .
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    @Boosted Has anyone warned him that he will receive his perm ban back if he continues?
  13. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    yes I did over the mic a bit ago and his words were Boosted how nice to see you
  14. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    I just gave him a perm mute and lets see how he does with that actually . I feel that's fair . Now he will have to type the stupid comments .

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