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Time Off? (Admin Forum Page)

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by CaptinCCat, Dec 9, 2015.


Would this be useful

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  2. No

  3. I might use it

  4. I might not use it

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  1. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    Say I was thinking of adding an Forum Page for Admins only Where you bassaicly are telling everyone youll be inavtive for a bit.
    look something like this

    Steam Name:
    Steam ID (or enjin ID: what ever tickles your fancy):
    Period of absence:

    This would be nice to have so we know whos all gone for specific reasons
    ill just use this as an example in my case

    Steam Name: CaptinCCat
    Steam ID: spacing it right now
    Period of absence: Anywhere from a few weeks ago to a Januaryish
    Reason: Primarily School, but work on the weekends

    so it would look something to that extent
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Riptide

    Riptide Resident beta tester Member

    We have the Hello and Goodbye section for this purpose. Just post that you wont be around and add a time period if possible. This would be unnecessary unless Woody just wanted to make a more specific section on the forums.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    A good idea, but I wouldn't want to create an entire separate page for it. I think using the hello's and goodbyes forum should work for now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Could this be implemented into the current "admins" page? Next to the admin on the list we could have their status
  5. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    At least what I think Captin was getting at was an up-to-date measure of who is where and availability in regards to getting in to contact. My suggestion was related to something along those lines as our current system lacks that ability without digging through the forum.
  6. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    Kind of like an "on call" marker? Maybe a little tickbox in personal forum settings that only admins would have, and could change if they were going to be away for a while? I do think something like this could be helpful, as long as it isn't very time-consuming to implement.
  7. Gotcha

    Gotcha Administrator Founder Member

    Would only be useful if everyone used it. Otherwise how could you tell?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    Admins should already be on the forums anyways so I don't see it being that much of an issue. However you do make a good point.

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