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Member Profile - Riptide

Discussion in 'Member Profiles' started by Riptide, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Riptide

    Riptide Resident beta tester Member

    Riptide (real name Tyler)
    Burlington VT
    Favorite Steam Game:
    Counter Strike: Source
    Favorite Food:
    Hobbies / General Interests:
    I enjoy chess, scrabble, following stocks, long walks on the beach and ignoring drowning swimmers. Oh yeah, I also love to give people super spicy food and watch their reactions. Carolina Reaper is my current go to.
    Favorite Movie:
    Forrest Gump
    Favorite Song:
    My Humps
    Pets / Animals:
    A dead dog to remind me of the fragility of life. #existentialism
    Favorite Place To Visit:
    Pound Town with my girlfriend.
    Favorite Place To Eat:
    Wings Over, or any place with hot wings
    How did you find VigilanteGamers?:
    They were continually attacking my previous clan's servers because they obviously had nothing better to do so I joined them.
    Fun Short Story About Yourself (keep it clean):
    My best friend, Dominic, had recently broken up with his bitch of a girlfriend, Andi. She would cheat on him with people, leave him and then cheat on the other person with him again. It was a cycle that went on longer than it should have. The last time she broke up with him he swore he would not see her again. Me and another friend, Will, had made plans to hang out at Dominic's house but I think Dominic forgot.

    We were texting him and he was not responding so naturally we became suspicious. We drove over to his house and snuck through the back door, as only best friends do. His mother walked in on us breaking in to the house and did not even question what we were doing. We casually asked where he was and she told us he went out to lunch with Andi, his ex, at Baker's Square. Will and I shot each other a look immediately knowing what had to be done.

    We both immediately ran out the front door to my car. While running I put on "I need a Hero" by Bonnie Taylor. I peeled out from in front of Dominic's house. I drove down the main road toward Baker's Square doing about 50 in a 30. We saw the two of them walking back from lunch. With out saying a word I slammed the breaks next to them and Will jumped out of the passenger seat and grabbed Dominic. I threw open my rear seat and closed my passenger side door. Will was holding Dominic like a toddler holds a teddy bear. He dove into the back seat on top of Dom and I slammed the gas an made the tires chirp as we drove away from Andi. The entire kidnapping occurred in less 10 seconds.

    Anyway, if youre my friend and you are doing something that is bad for you I will put an end to it in the most sudden and dramatic way possible.

    TL;DR Kidnapped my friend from his bitch of an Ex Girlfriend all while blaring the most cliche heroic music around.
    Upload a Photo of yourself:


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    • Like Like x 3
  2. GingaNinja

    GingaNinja Unabashed Grammar Nazi Member

    With friends like these, who needs enemies? Great story!
  3. Gavlan

    Gavlan Member

    I also like humps :D
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Is that you with the Costco nametag lol?
  5. Stimp

    Stimp WM1 extraordinaire Member

    Being a transplanted "Masshole", I do know that there are not may "beaches" in VT. OH...lakes that's right. I like Burlington... great city. I almost moved up there back in 1999 for a job with GW plastics. I opted for a job in Florida instead!!! I'm too "declimatized" these days to live in Northern New England. Although I've been looking into the possibility of moving back the Massachusetts in the coming year.

    Asparagus. Really? I like it too, but the effects to urine kind of offset it in my eyes (and nose!!).
  6. Riptide

    Riptide Resident beta tester Member

    Yup Im the one with the name tag. That was this summer.

    Stimp, dont you get tired of the constant heat and sun?
  7. Stimp

    Stimp WM1 extraordinaire Member


    In Northern CA now. A bit more temperate!!!
  8. Col. Sheppard

    Col. Sheppard Mario Cart Manager / 2Fort Helper Member



    so are u the one in the purple dress or the one with the red pants
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Riptide

    Riptide Resident beta tester Member

    Im the one with their hand showing in the bottom of the photo

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