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Spanish mic mute

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rain_yagami, Apr 6, 2016.

  1. rain_yagami

    rain_yagami Senior Member

    So yeah.. first of all i dont mean to change the rule or like rant about it i just want to clear the things up.
    well must of u know im mexican and my first language its spanish im a really like cool guy i dont get mad or offended ez not even racist terms bother me anyway... i want to have clear the rule that we cant speak spanish in the mic and its reason to mute like the admin guidelines say since it just say if someone speak other than english not if they seem to be unpolite rude etc. just by speak it and i ask this in the chat and billy answer me with a really good answer

    Yesterday at 11:14 PM - SillyBillyWTF :
    I would think that its okay to speak spanish on the mic IF youre helping another player understand the MOTD/Server rules. Its rough when theyre talking another language and dont understand a lick of english, even through Chat.

    i agree with u billy its not good hearing talking someone who speak another language if u dont speak it but i think it can be the other way around but i undestand that theres more english people than spansh and that english its obviously the default one and should i just be allowed to speak it just when im helping not like when im talking to friends??

    well this post its long as fuck XD well long story short just want to know wut would make me get muted just by talking even if im not talking to a not spanish speaker or theres some criteria is not specified in the guidelines??

    again pls dont get me wrong im not saying its wrong or that u should change it i just want to get it clear i dont want to get mute just because i speak spanish and warn friends and told them what not to do in case theres a criteria that play in VG servers and avoid issues and if im wrong pls tell me how im wrong thank u!!!!!!!
  2. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    I would think its fine to say warn someone whos speaking Spanish, so they know what's going on (especially if they don't speak English). Just not talking a lot in another language, or openly conversing with someone else.

    @Drac OPZ you kind of a smart- ass when it comes to the rules, :) (that's a hint to make a post in here ;) )

    This is a good Thread to make, this is probably one of the more controversial topics when it comes to things like this.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. SillyBillyWTF




    Im no community manager or rule maker or anything but personally i feel bad for muting people who speak another language over the mic because they might not understand when i tell them "English on the mic only please". I dont speak any other languages so its difficult for me to tell others the rules of our servers. You are allowed to type out your language in Chat, just not allowed to speak it over the mic.
    So the server rule is that you are NOT allowed to speak another language over the mic, but typing it out in chat is allowed.
    Other admins may take the rule differently and say that they dont allow any other language over the mic even if youre trying to tell someone that its english on the mic only.
    Safest bet is to just tell the player in chat or through message our MOTD rules.
    Again, personally its okay to me if another player is speaking another language over the mic to help a player out if they dont speak or understand english. But thats just me.
    Hope this very long post can shed some light on your issue and i apologize that it is sooooo long lol
  4. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    I treat it as a real life scenario. You're playing in an American server therefore you should speak our language while being in it. When you come to America and get your green card (no offense towards others) but you have to be able to speak in English that is one of the requirements. Not that you have to speak it 24/7 while in our server, but you should at least no some English and understand. If you don't then that is NOT OUR fault and only your own.

    I don't mind if you're going to let others know rules and things such as, but please do not do a full blown out conversation. Again though, if they don't understand English then that is there own fault for not knowing when an admin warns them.
    • Like Like x 2
  5. Stimp

    Stimp WM1 extraordinaire Member

    As the noob in the bunch...I think a Spanish speaking member should be able to address players. I can understand it from working in manufacturing for 25+ years. I can speak it, but not conversation level. But, I'm getting there..(I will make my life a work so much better). Just no late night Russians!!! (NOW THAT'S ANNOYING) :O). Its tough to draw such lines. I just mute them locally if I don't want to listen....
  6. rain_yagami

    rain_yagami Senior Member

    yeah im fully aware that is not your fault that exaclty what i didnt want you guys to think but knowing that for example in
    Mexico theres no servers to play so most of the Mexican players play in texas servers or atleast near the frontier they have no choice if we take ur green card example that would be the same as saying "to play in our servers and be able to fully use the mic u must know how to speak or understand english what if would be the other way around??? what if theres no servers in the US and just in Mexico and u must know how to speak english in order to not get mute??? i dont think u can ask to every people that plays in ur server to understand ur language just because its in the US ur treating it as a requirement not as an issue

    and well since i have been here you guys r trying to populate the servers and to be honest its not really atractive to non english speakers to play in the servers knowing they have to learn english to be able to talk ik this post wont change the rules but it would be nice that the admins that dont know spanish they could have a bind that types in chat "No se permite hablar en el microfono si no es ingles" or atleast make it pop up in the chat every now an then like the server info

    again i dont really know how often this kind of mutes are i actually havent met anyone that have been mute for that so id think thats an issue yet atleast for me was important enough to point it out ik i wont have like support in this because.. well im pretty sure 97% of the gamers in this community r Americans so.. yeah

    ohh and sorry for the whole book chapter i just wrote XD
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    It's rare that we come across those that get muted for talking in another language while in our servers. Most people just type in chat which is completely fine!

    Also, if it was the other way around and we had no choice to play in Mexican servers then I still say in regards to that we should learn some spanish and or google is your internet friend for translations. It's that easy! It's also not like our admins are immediatly muting those that speak different languages on the mic, i'm sure they are getting warnings which again either way a warning is common sense whether you speak english or spanish if you see something in admin chat that should send up a red flag (oh the admin is talking something is wrong). Just my thoughts on it anyways, but I do agree we do need more of a visual warning for this other then the motd. So a server wide chat message would be a great idea in this case.
  8. 50Mhz


    You can just type in chat, in any language. The mic is reserved for people who speak English. Using a different language every now and again is fine, but we like to discourage it, because people will do it more and more.

    So, just type in chat. Issue resolved.
  9. aa4life

    aa4life #1 Sniper in TF2



    America was built on those who spoke different languages. You can't pull that political card.
  10. 50Mhz


    The rule is English only on the mic, end of convo. Typing is fine.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    If you want to get down to the exact terms America (United States) when the states started forming, it was built around the native tongue. Which followed around the native American tribes. After which followed settlers and immigrants from Britain which Britain spoke proper English. Not even English that is spoken today. Therefore technically United states was built off of the English language first before any others. Other then when other immigrants started merging into our states is when it grew along with other cultures.
  12. SillyBillyWTF




    If the player has another language set on their game, does our MOTD automatically get translated or is it only english? If not, is it even possible for something like that? Would be helpful though idk how accurate the translations would be lol
  13. SillyBillyWTF




    I believe binding that is a pretty good idea. Im actually gonna do that lol, thank you. Although if they reply in spanish im fucked LOL
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. rain_yagami

    rain_yagami Senior Member

    they most likely gonna ask why u can have a second bind saying "wutever is the reason google translated" XD i dont have the reason clear yet :p im dumb sorry or u can ask me!!!!or someone who knows.... do we really dont have any bilingual admin?? damm
  15. CaptinCCat

    CaptinCCat Very Retired Former Admin Manager Member



    I Can communicate half way well in german, but...that's only helped ounce ever! lol
  16. Rogue

    Rogue Fmr. Lazytown Manager Senior Member

    I only mute if the player can't give me an answer or is carrying on a conversation and completely ignoring me. If a bilingual player warns the player speaking another language, I step off. This is kind of a touchy issue and I have been called a racist on more than one occasion, but if we have a mostly full server speaking multiple languages and talking over eachother, that's just chaos and as admins it's our job to prevent that.
  17. aa4life

    aa4life #1 Sniper in TF2



    Want to create another thread about this? I think this would be interesting to talk about.
  18. Riptide

    Riptide Resident beta tester Member

    The majority of americans used to speak german. Right now most people speak a few languages. I think its unfair to limit someone simply because you personally cannot understand them.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. rain_yagami

    rain_yagami Senior Member

    i understand it and also think that the cleanest way to do that is by mute... yeah i believe u that people call u like that just because of that but id think its gonna be a chaos cuz like OPZ said theres no much issue with that i think its fine to mute is there like 3 or 4 people having a conv all the time and flooding the server audio with for u guys its spanish gibberish but muting a guy or a couple that r talking each other i dont c a prob with that and well thats the case all the time i think its more usual the chaos in the servers with people talking english over each other than spanish since we r muting the minority u racist!!!! jk XD

    can we like shutdown this thread i just wanted to know why does the spanish mic mute exist and i only got because we cant understand it not open a debate if we should have it or not

    i think we shouldnt keep posting here XD
    • Agree Agree x 1

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