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Some ideals for the Zombie server

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Omega, Apr 16, 2016.

  1. Omega

    Omega Member

    Just a few ideals to help maybe keep the server more populated as well as stop some of the people who break rules.

    1. To help prevent people from not doing objective as zombies, and letting them self be killed or asking to be killed. The people who do this should be blinded and frozen until truned back into a zombie. Or if the coding is not to hard, maybe even add in an admin zombie timebomb feature for when we get people not doing objective/asking to be killed.

    2. We need to revamp the RTV system for when the server is slow, as this keeps people from coming in and or causing them to leave due to poor map change options or there are not enough people to cause an RTV. I think we should lower the RTV counter to only active players who are not in spectate, because late an night and early in the A.M we get lots of first time players, or vets coming in to play and when people try to RTV due to a bad map or lack of players. They just end up leving because it takes 8 RTV's to change the map, or we have 6 players on and 2 in spectate, and this makes it so we cannot change the maps causing the server to empty most of the time.

    3. Mother zombies, Many of the players would like to see the mother zombie get a little boost in jump and HP regeneration. Due to that any who have high jump and need to get someone high up, they end up having to prop up. When the server is slow or if we have people not wanting to do objective as zombie, and the mother zombie is the only one doing anything. It becomes really hard to adjust from having high jump to not. The regen would also help again when the server is slow for when we have lots of people in long crawl spaces.

    These are just some ideas that many of the players who are vets and or are on all the time would really like to see some modification done to help game play, and improve the over all fun of the server it self. Feed back or other ideas would be appreciated. :cool:
  2. SillyBillyWTF




    1. I know we have the !Timebomb command (its my favorite lol). I sometimes use that instead of !slay when dealing with rule breakers. Being a friendly zombie and asking to be killed are both against the ZM rules. Standing around and just taking the bullets as a zombie is considered being a friendly zombie.

    2. Definitely agree to this one. And i think even if someone in spectate joins the game to help rtv, the required amount goes from 8 to 9. I think it goes off of the amount of people in game and not in spec. But im not 100% on that

    3. Definitely some jump height would be great. Going pretty fast but only jumping regular human height (regular human class w/o Gravity) can definitely be tricky and difficult. Especially when the humans keep shooting your props lol
  3. Omega

    Omega Member

    I know we have timebomb's, just thought it would be cool to add something like zombie bomb for the rule breakers. Makes our job both much easier, and will stop people from rank manipulation.

    Thanks for your thoughts on my ideas silly :cat:
  4. SillyBillyWTF




    oh! I think what we need is to make it so that any type of slay doesnt turn zombie players back into humans. If we can fix that itll make better, especially if the zomibe is being a friendly just to die or if we could Teleport them to spawn, that would be great too.

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  5. Bear

    Bear Member

    In regards to the 3rd suggestion, I'd honestly love it if the player could 'turn off' mother zombie. It spawns you as a Chucky doll, which makes it pretty much impossible to get anyone in a crouch spot. Or if there was a way to change it so the mother zombie spawned as whatever zclass they chose. Rather just be able to turn it off though, it speeds you up, but that actually seems to get you shot out of crouch spots even faster than a normal Chucky.
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    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. Omega

    Omega Member

    I agree with you 100% bear, it is just awful to spawn as that thing. More so when you lose your high jump though haha.

    Well I kinda like that it turns the bots back into humans silly, as it makes for a chance to get human zombies who are trying to kill the bots as humans stuck 3:)
  7. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    I'll tried to fix this awhile ago and couldn't. I'll look into it again.

    Mother zombie should already have health regen, she always has, unless you're asking to increase it more? I could up the jump boost too.
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  8. Omega

    Omega Member

    It would be nice to see the mother zombie get both more health and faster regeneration. As of right now they start with only 6.5-8k health, and due to the mother zombie being the chucky skin. It is easy to get head shots on it, and take it down really fast. Also the mother zombie really super badly needs high jump, I would say 90% of people who are regulars on the server get mad when they turn M-zombie because they lose their high jump, and it makes it far more difficult to adjust to lower jumping. It is also much harder to get people in high spots without lower gravity. Because most of us use all our money on props to get into well build cades.
  9. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Dude the point of Zm is to also us your heads and brain to kill the CT's . All I hear anymore is how much easier they want the game to be . If I wanted easy and simple I would go back to playing Mario Bros from the 80's
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Omega

    Omega Member

    It is not about it being to easy, it is about trying to keep a balance. With the new prop that has been added in, and with the mother being so easy to head shot. Humans like my self, Doc, Snake, and a few others can make it so zombies have a less than 10% win chance if there is not man human players in the game.

    I like the game hard, and it has become far to easy to win as humans now with the mother being as weak as it is, and the new dryer prop.
  11. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Modified mother zombie, should take effect on restart of server.

    More health, more regen, increased jump height. Should be more balanced for the mother zombie now.
    • Like Like x 2
  12. Omega

    Omega Member

    Awesome, thanks so much woody :D

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