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Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Woody, Dec 23, 2017.

  1. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    This has been a long time coming, but it has to eventually happen. As many of you know I'm not nearly as active as I once was on here.... sometimes life takes a priority over gaming. With that being said it's time to shut down a few of our servers that aren't active anymore. We currently have (2) dedicated boxes and I'm planning to downsize to one. We can run 5/6 servers on one dedicated box so we need to select which servers we would like to keep up and running. Obviously 2fort and Gungame will be two we keep, but I'd like to know which others everyone else would like to keep up. The old servers wont be lost as I'll have backups of them so if the community ever takes off again we can launch them up.

    Let me know!

    Happy Holidays and Happy Gaming!
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2019
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I agree with keeping 2fort but would suggest adding a "call a map vote" option like some servers with turbine or other popular maps tf2 maps. Just a thought.
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  3. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    There are many people on GG that seem to have some kind of issue with the server, but there are many who also say that it is one of the best GG servers out there. Glad we are keeping that. That is all i play anyway....it is dope!
    • Like Like x 1
  4. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Do you think we would lose players if the map switched though, since it's been a 24/7 2fort server for so long?
  5. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    What issues do they have with the server?
  6. Since the Jungle update, I have been on the server a couple of times and it has been sparsely populated. I don't know if the map vote option would impact the player population negatively. If the option was available, players would still need a majority to switch and if it gets "stuck" on a map (i.e. turbine), an admin could always switch the map back to 2fort. So I would suggest make it default 2fort with the map vote option but I think polling the community would be a good idea.
  7. Epsilon

    Epsilon Member

    If I may, On my 2 and a half years on Orange, I have noticed that many of the player's on the server keep on asking me if there could be health packs or ammo boxes at certain locations. Create more special occasions for the servers to make it more "interesting". For instance currently it is Christmas, We could get someone to create a sort seasonal theme for the maps we have. One of out former admins "Zelus" and I have worked on the Halloween theme for our server "Orange_X3" and we have noticed many players seem to really enjoy it, there were little "mini-bosses" spawning on top of the tower to make it more fun instead of a constant blood bath against one another, We used the explosive pumpkins to (of course) give off a bit more of fun.

    Also on many other Tf2 servers such as "Hellsgamers, W3E, GG, Skial, SG-Gaming, (Generic MGE server name), etc." Many of their servers have a "great" community going on, Of course I'm not saying that we don't that bad of a community, But for what I have seen on many of our servers. There has been many Salty players. I was thinking for a change on this one would be that we could special events for the community that would make them coming back, We could do "Heavy Boxing, Spy Crab duels, shotgun Heavy battles, etc." And maybe, just maybe at the end of those events we could give the players prizes. Now I know we have the "Unusual Hat Giveaway" But lately for what I know and heard, Many of the players that I know have said it's quite "stale" and ""Cliche".

    Well hopefully you guys could understand some of my ideas to improving the community for \/G. Sorry if none of them seem viable to help out.

    - Epsilon.
  8. Dax_




    Lazytown is kinda unpopulated,I think we could do an announcement on the VG steam group and ask others what we can do to get others interested in what they want to see in the future.
  9. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Yeah I can add the vote option onto the server. How do we want to set it up? Do we want a vote to come up every X amount of time or let the players !votemap if they want to change it?
  10. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    All good ideas. Sadly, we need someone to be able to implement all these. I don't have the time currently.
  11. Mrmaplesyrup

    Mrmaplesyrup - VG - Mrmaplesyrup

    I like the idea of maybe a rock the vote system and you can nominate maps and when enough people rock the vote they can choose the maps that were nominated and which ever gets the most votes they change too or they could just vote to stay on the current map.
  12. I would add the RTV (rock the vote) command and add add a comment line to the MOTD or in game message when people join
  13. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    Its just the usual complaints we have talked about before. Majority of the complaints are in regards to the reg of the server. People say its bad.
    Just recently, ive heard a couple of people say that the people on the server suck. That was last week.
    Other than that, there are plenty of people who do say that its one of the best gg servers around.
  14. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    For those that are actually having issue with reg it is not the server but actually there own settings like interp and rates. I have never really had an issue with reg at all, it has only been lag and random freezes that happen to me every so often.
  15. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    Same for me. I rarely get freezes though
  16. Epsilon

    Epsilon Member

    My friend Zelus and I can work on them, But in our state we are still going through a crap ton of school work. Plus I got a job that I hate (But pays alright) :/
  17. Epsilon

    Epsilon Member

    as well I have quite all of friends who use the hammer tool and blender to create all types of different models and maps, I could ask for a favor of them to help out
  18. Sirus

    Sirus Me-mee Member

    @Dax_ @Woody the lazytown servers are backup after i spread the word around, that the item servers are up, (because thats why there was no one)
  19. killa sodas - cherry coke

    killa sodas - cherry coke Murderer Community Manager Member

    @Drac OPZ I have a few people asking me exactly how to adjust those settings to fix their reg. Could you help me out? I have never had to fix any of those considering my reg is fine.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2018
  20. legit

    legit I want to right click you. Senior Admin

    Hey i'm on GG quite a bit... although for the holiday season I wasn't for a multitude of reasons... anyhow, I hear more people talking about lag and hit registry more than anything else. If it is a settings issue is there a post we can look at to help with that? I myself have both lagged and froze....

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