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Scoutzknivez 170 - 200 Ping automatic kicker

Discussion in 'Servers & Website Suggestions' started by Dank, Sep 26, 2012.

  1. Dank


    Hey woody can you please!!! get a pick automatic kicker for the scoutzknivez set to 170 - 500 ping automatic get kicked! because you no people in scoutzknivez when the server gets like to 20 slot full or 22 slots full you get them euro people comeing in the server laggin it because they have 300 ping because there playing with 18 american kids and the euro people got an addvantage because when there strafe fast when there laggin like that it looks like they are teleportin across the map really fast and its really hard to shoot them. here is a high ping kicker but i dont no if it will work.

    If you want me to find a better one let me no if you are gonna put this mod on the scoutzknivez but this will come in handy for sure!! all it will do is when someone gots high ping over 170 it kicks them and you can edit the kick message what you wanna say to him like for example " Vigilantegamers.net say's to Fix ur Ping its TOO HIGH FOR THIS SERVER " or something like that just let me no. thanks
  2. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    High pings don't lag the server. They haven't since they updated the engine to source 2009. Anyways I understand the frustration, people with high pings skipping around do cause problems.
  3. Dank


    Ya i am not haveing problem with the server but the skipping and the fast teleporting everyone hates because you get knifed and even if you did put the scope on him you it doesnt register because hes lagggin so bad

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