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- \/G - ItsKeruz Admin application!

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by ItsKeruz, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    1. Real name: Gavin Mcgarrah

    2. Age: 16 , 09/12/96

    3 .Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?: No I have not.

    4. What server would you like to become admin on?: 24/7 Office/Dust or known as (PUB)

    5. Do you have a microphone?: Yes I do

    6. How often do you play each week?: I play every day mostly and the weekends except when I have to eat dinner, or hanging with friends but I do play every week and occasionally on Saturdays and I do on Sunday.

    7. Are you willing to donate the required $10.00 dollars each month?: I am willing to do that but If its okay I need to wait tell I have my credit card so I can do monthly payments.

    8. Do you have TeamSpeak3? (All admins are required to be in TS3 while in-game): Yes I do I have it on my lap top.

    9. Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?: Yes I do I understood all of it and i respect it.

    10. Why do you want to become an admin?: I feel like I would do a great job being an admin in 24/7 Dust/Office especially because I play on that server daily and i'm always on and I feel like ever since I have been here I should take a bigger step up and be an admin for this server. I am very friendly and I have fun and I wouldn't take being an admin out of control I would follow every step of the way and follow rules and guidelines. There are other admins that come on to the sever to watch over or play but there's not enough I think and I think i would be a lot of use and help to the community and the server if I was to become a server admin for this server. I also feel like I need to take a bigger step as a member to an admin. Thank you for you're time reading this.
    -ItsKeruz :D
  2. Jay

    Jay Member

    Good Luck. Remember to be active on the forums and get to know the other members/admins on this server better ^^
  3. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    Yeah I totally understand that Jay.!! I do man and Thanks!!! :D
  4. Stanger

    Stanger Member



    Thanks for putting in an admin application!

    You have just joined the clan so this will most likely not be approved right away.

    Also we require all our admins to be at least 18, but we do make exceptions. Be active in the forums and the servers and be patient!
  5. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    I understand that stranger!!! thanks for the information man!! I just feel like I'd be a lot of help in the pub server and be a good admin for - \/G -
  6. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    We do make exceptions. If you show that you are a mature and dedicated player then it shouldn't be an issue!
  7. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    Yes woody I am ever since I have joined I have been nothing more than a dedicated member to all and every one, this community and to the forums. I love - \/G - and Its amazing believe me! This is my first clan and its been a blast ever since i joined about 5 or 6 months ago. An exception is all I need to hear and I am all ears to whatever you have to say! Thank you for considering and looking my application over!
    -ItsKeruz :D
  8. Icebrand

    Icebrand Member

    I like Keruz he is surprisingly mature for a 16 year old and also quite possibly the vg member I most often see in the Pub. +1
  9. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    Thank you man that means a lot!!! :D You're very fun to play with!!
  10. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    Just saying I got Team Speak3 on my Desktop so that's good  :D
  11. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Be active in TeamSpeak and talk to the other admins to speed up the process of your admin application.
  12. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    Yes Sir I will!! thanks for telling me  :D
  13. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Approved! Welcome to the admin team!

    Once you donate jump in teamspeak so we can chat!
  14. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Welcome to the team! Time to teach you all I know. (NOT!) Just kidding.
  15. Jay

    Jay Member

  16. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    Thank you so much, I will donate soon!! :D :D :D :D
  17. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    Thank you so much guy's, and woody!!! :D this means so much!! I will put my donation in soon don't worry!!!! :D :D
  18. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Rule #1 Don't Ever Listen To Stanger  !
  19. ItsKeruz

    ItsKeruz Member

    hahahah good on boosted ;)

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