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Reviewed Thank you I_CAN Players Hackathon

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by W00D, May 18, 2013.

  1. W00D


    Sup VG,

    As you already know me and my homies from HNS are original VG players and have promoted your server to a lot of people over the many months we've been on the scene. VG is one of my all time fav servers because for the most part everyone is mature and about gaming and hackers ARE NOT ALLOWED.

    I've been playing CSS for 8 years and I used to be CAL I SK (Sweden) and I've played in many CPL scrims. Even though all competitive gaming has moved to ESEA since then I still take the game and my skill seriously and I appreciate a good game where everything is fair.

    Tonight I went into the VG server and discovered to players with whom I've never seen before going the names: I_CAN balance and I_CAN CRASH and let me tell you, I was extremely bothered by these two idiots.

    For one they clearly wall in game. It's completely obvious and to top it off they awp. There were many times I'd be running around a corner and there would be CRASH with the awp insta-firing, basically prefiring so as soon as I went through the doors I was dead.

    Nobody, not even some of my old team mates who were top SK pros who got paid to play, can awp that good without being able to wall and no when to fire.

    I called these guys out and they laughed at me and called me a bunch of names.

    I did not record a demo but if it's absolutely necessary to have these players removed from what used to be my favorite server, I'm down to do it.

    I normally don't go and join forums either to complain about random players but I challenge any of the VG members to play in-game with these I_CAN guys and see for yourself how obvious the wall hacks are.

    I'm off to go play in another server but I really hope VG cleans up the mess because VG has the potential to be so big if you can weed out the few who think they can use your servers as a testing ground to hack and talk shit to people who are ambassadors of the game and your cause.

    Thanks for hearing me out!

    W00D aka Chris
  2. Jay

    Jay Member

    We Cannot Give bans without Demos. Next time please post a demo

    If they are idiots and you find them disturbing simply mute them in game.
  3. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Exactly what Jay said. We need a demo otherwise it's just hear say. We have multiple admins, but cannot monitor the server 24/7.

    Thanks for coming in and making a post. If you would next time just grab a quick demo. That way I would be able to ban them.
  4. balance


    W00D was the one who was walling. He was calling crash and I out to deter attention away from him and start a witchhunt. His wall of text is so over the top and screams troll. If any admin had been ingame to spec him you would have dismissed his claims after witnessing what he was doing/saying.

    I screwed up in not getting a demo of him and his actions so you could ban him.
  5. CustomElite


    Balance you piece of shit moron! Don't try and flip the tables on me and make it out that I was a hacker. I've never hacked. Even if I wanted to, I don't know how or where to get em. You clearly hack. It's not even hearsay it's not even guessing...

    ... when you stand in one spot with an awp pointed through a narrow crack and you prefire right at the exact moment someone is running around the corner, and it magically EVERY SINGLE TIME gets a headshot... that's what I call walling because you know when to shoot and that's Enhanced Aim.

    I read an article about Enhanced Aim and what it helps players do in the game and you clearly use it.

    Yes I've been banned plenty of times from servers for hacking but it's only because I'm original SK pro and I've been playing CSS for 8 years and I'm good and I know how to fast switch and fire before you even get to half your clip.

    But whatever. You're gonna get yours bro. I promise you that. All I have to do is copy your IP and send it to my friend who really is a true programmer / hacker and bro I'll find out where you live. Nuff' said.
  6. DANNY(xXx)


    woody these are the same guys that i asked you and shoyu to come spec the other night. i have had people tell me that they dont want to play in the server any more because of these guys. either walling or ghosting or both. i am getting ready to make another thread for a demo of balance that i just recorded from the server.

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