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DJFirespitter's Admin Application.

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by DJFirespitter, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. 1. Real name:DJ Liberty

    2. Age:17 (Turning 18 on Saturday)

    3 .Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?:I was an admin in a CS 1.6 Server long ago, it was in a Server called [ECA] But other than that I've never had admin in Source

    4. What server would you like to become admin on?:24/7 Dust2/Office

    5. Do you have a microphone?:Yes!

    6. How often do you play each week?: Probably 30 or so hours a week

    7. Are you willing to donate the required $10.00 dollars each month?:Heck yes!

    8. Do you have TeamSpeak3? (All admins are required to be in TS3 while in-game): Yes I do!

    9. Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?:I have read and agreed with/to the Admin Guidelines

    10. Why do you want to become an admin?: Well I applied a long time ago, and I was told to apply again. But I've been a member for quite a while and I feel like whenever I'm on I'm always having to bother Woody, or someone else to check someone out, Thanks for your consideration :)
  2. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Thanks for putting in an admin application.

    Stay active on the servers and forums. Also stay active on teamspeak.
  3. Will do, Thanks :)
  4. MagikShot69

    MagikShot69 I put the G in OD that's why they call me GOD!!

    thank you for the app
  5. Jay

    Jay Member

    Good luck ^^
  6. Thank You!
  7. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Approved. Welcome to the admin team.

    Once you donate, jump in teamspeak so we can talk and I can get you all set up!
  8. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Welcome to the team.
  9. Thanks everyone!

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