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-\/G - T_T app.

Discussion in 'Old Applications' started by Dots, Jul 19, 2013.

  1. Dots


    1. Real name: Cameron

    2. Age: 35

    3 .Have you been admin before? If so, on which servers?: use to run a server in 2007 on counter strike 1.06

    4. What server would you like to become admin on?: zmod

    5. Do you have a microphone?: yes

    6. How often do you play each week?: 35+ hours between all VG servers

    7. Are you willing to donate the required $10.00 dollars each month?: yes

    8. Do you have TeamSpeak3? (All admins are required to be in TS3 while in-game): yes

    9. Have you thoroughly read and understand the admin guidelines linked above?: yes

    10. Why do you want to become an admin?: i am on a lot i know most players you are regulars on the server ,and it would be a great opportunity to be part of the community on a higher level
  2. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Thanks for putting in an application.

    Stay active on the servers and forums. As well as teamspeak.
  3. Dots


    i do . i just dont have permissions in ts3 to change tab
  4. Dots


    well now i do ty
  5. I personally have played on the Zombiemod server with - \/G - T_T. He is constantly reminding people of the rules of the server but is fair about it. He would be a good choice to make an admin as he is respectful, kind-hearted, caring, but is also strict when need be. Also I'm not trying to say anything bad about any admins but If he is made an admin then there would be an admin on the Zombiemod server almost 24/7 that is active and able to keep watch over the server which currently seems like no one is watching [glow=blue,2,300]it just recently an admin spoke to me and Deagle telling us we were off the map because we went ontop of the buildings on this one map yet someone else was on a lamp post at the same level we were and nothing was said to them then another person went on top of a wall at the same height as the buildings and again nothing was said to them. When I asked who the active admin was on the server I got no response, From either Secret Agent Wolf or X jA mOfO the two admins on the server. I asked which one was active right after being told that the roofs were offlimits and noticing the guy across from me on the lamp post.[/glow] In my opinion the Zombiemod server needs a more active admin like - \/G - T_T.

    This is entirely my opinion other than the glowing segment which is an even that just occured with in the last 10-20 minutes.
  6. Pin

    Pin Member

    While I've never played with T_T, he did pm me a couple of times yesterday to let me know people were breaking server rules in ZM. I was at work so I couldn't help. Plus one from me from what I've seen and heard on forums.
  7. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    The zombiemod server has a great number of active admins. We have spoke about the incident you stated above in the admin section of the forums. No action was taken against the individual on the light post, because the admin wasn't sure what to do. This has been cleared up.
  8. Dots


    ok i am tired of 2 admins sitting in spec not doing anything for like most of the time when we have barricades breakers and blocking and props in crouch spots we just had 5 people leave server to other server because some people are cade breaking and no admins on, they are afk
  9. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Well you should understand that admins cannot always be on as we have other priorities in our lives that need to be tended to.
  10. Dots


    i understand you have lifes but when you looking for admin they show afk rather then offline , misleading.
  11. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Record a demo and create a new topic in the player abuse section of the forums.

    Or add a few admins to your friends list so you can private message them. An admin list can be found under the community tab atop the forums.

    As a side note, your statements above do not help the speed of your admin application.
  12. Sikk

    Sikk Musika

    Sometimes some of the admins sitting in spectate are afk from the game but not from their comp/laptop and all you really have to do is steam message them and that will get their attention. If you don't have them added then start doing so.

    Other then that though good luck on the app.
  13. Dots


    not trying to speed it up ..lol
  14. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Left the community.

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