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Reviewed Thank you admin abuse

Discussion in 'Report Center' started by Dots, Jul 26, 2013.

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  1. Dots


    mofo deleted my couch from from a spot where i was , there is room for zombie to get me if they crouch and push in but mofo sitting in afk deletes couch so the can get to me freely.. this is really unfair i put couch there before i went in there i jumped and crouch to get in
  2. Dots


    map zm_lila_panic_v1337
  3. Jay

    Jay Member

    Rule #1

    No props in crouch spots, vents or areas where props cannot be jumped over.
  4. Dots


    if you read it says i ijumped over the couch to get in the spot so yes you can jump over it
  5. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Ok OK don't take this the wrong way , but is not anything that you do not complain about in the server . Trust me MOFO is a great admin and did not do it to pick on you or to be mean . It's obvious that we have had issues with that spot . Just relax and let him do his job . Also I don't see how it's admin abuse . I for one see that if you want to be an admin like you have talked to me about , it will never happen until you see how things work around here
  6. silver_apple

    silver_apple Sneaky dawg

    Screenshot and/or demo?
  7. Dots


    there are so many misguiding rules its not funny , for some its ok for others its not , not all admins are on the same page with rules and regulations and i dont want to add to the frustration that we have already
    one minute 1 admin says that is crouch spot/or the other one says its not , you cant put props here other one says you can , i really think before you guys get anymore admins that you all get on the same page . i would love to be admin  ,

    today we had a hacker on this morning tryed numous times to get admin without going to furom showed mofo on spec no answer. when it says !admins mofo you call nothing happens what is the point in being logged in if your not there .. misleading . i rather become an admin where everyone is on the same page about rules of the server, not rules up to admin on.

    sorry i love the clan but these are flaws that i see and not only me but other clan members see , we need to work on .i am sorry i am outspoken , and i know you have lives so do i , but when you are logged in as admin be logged in if your not home, gone out log off so its not misleading  ,

    and i only complain when i see things that arent right .. the best way to fix things to make things better is feed back what i notice i mention if you want me to. then i will shut up and say nothing 

    a community is about trying to make things better.
    a clan is the same as a community , you join a clan to make it the best it can be
  8. Pin

    Pin Member

    Next time just take a quick demo or screen shot if you can't get an admin and submit it to the forums. It may not be a quick solution but it will help to remove a repeat offender.
  9. Woody

    Woody Administrator Founder



    Every community has its flaws. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, so you need to accept that. If there is an issue, record a demo and post it on the forums. We will then review it and take the appropriate action.
  10. Sikk

    Sikk Musika

    Yep. There are other options then trying to just wait for a admin to just appear out of no where to deal with a rule breaker. You just aren't putting effort into doing so. Have you even tried adding a couple of admins on your friends list? It really isn't that hard to contact one and there is still another option which is to just report them. It can be a little time consuming but if your known as that member who is constantly reporting then that should boost your chances of getting admin.

    Anyways, it is unfortunate that you have left VG. You are a great player to game with and hope to still see you play on ZM here and there ;D
  11. X Ja mofo

    X Ja mofo Senior Admin

    Everything is alright, because mofo is here now :D

    Yes I deleted your prop, due to the fact it was blocking a crouch spot. 2nd, the reason why I keep myself logged in, is that you never know when im on or not. So makes everyone on edge. 3rd. it helps populate the server. 4th, I am a Credit whore........
    You got to remember, I have a life beyond steam, VG, CSS. My focus isn't always about, hmm  I wonder whos breaking the rules, or doing this and that on VG servers. I need to make money, Take care of myself before anything else. So if you don't get it, well you need to grow up and stop complaining about how its not your way.

    Boosted, Thank you for your kind words.

    If anyone has a problem with me, feel free to PM or IM me.
  12. Boosted

    Boosted Admіn Monitor Manager Community Manager

    Mofo I do have a problem with you ! You are mooching all the credits and there are never any left over damnit . Now how can I save to have a BIG HEAD LIKE MAGIK ! Oh what is a black man to do !
  13. X Ja mofo

    X Ja mofo Senior Admin

  14. EpicScav


    lol hilarious!
  15. Drac OPZ

    Drac OPZ All the Above and Beyond Community Manager

    LMAO that was priceless
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